
So Monday I was speaking to my brother on Skype and he said that he was driving his car someplace later that day. Somebody had called the 2CV club and wondered if anyone would like to hire out their car for an evening. When this happens (it actually happens a couple of times a year) they usually pass them on to my father. This is both because we live close to Oslo, we have three 2CVs (!) and because my father has a flexible shedule so he usually has time to do things like these. Once he was in Dagbladet (one of the largest nation wide news papers in Norway) being interviewd because they wanted someone with a French car 😉 So this time they wanted a car and my father send them pictures of the ones we have, and they wanted my brother’s car. He said he got 500 NOK for it and was happy. To me he only said it was a PR-gig of some sort, he didn’t say it was this party (you can see a snippet of the car here as well).

So it was Petter Stordalen who wanted my brother’s car at his party so people could be photographed in front of it 😛 I died a little when I saw it. But then I remembered that someone wanted to borrow my car for a short movie just before Easter, but then I hadn’t taken her out yet.

So, this is his car. Its name is Gassen (male goose in Norwegian).

My mother bought herself a 2CV this spring, so now we own 4 😛 My father has an orange and white one (Spot), I have a red and white one (Dolly), Bror has a white one with stripes as you can see (Gassen) and my mother has bough one that is all yellow. I don’t think it has a name yet.

This summer we are all going to a big 2CV festival-thing in Salbris, France, just South of Paris. I think at least three of our cars are driving down.I think it will take me 6 days from Trondheim… But more of that later 🙂

4 thoughts on “Famous

    • Jeg satt og lo en stund da jeg fant det ut 😛 Men det har faktisk skjedd flere ganger. Som sagt har pappa vært i Dagbladet, Dolly har spilt i en kortfilm noen studenter på filmhøyskolen lagde og det er stadig noen som vil ha en 2CV til bryllup og slikt. Det er nesten så vi skulle laget en portefølje 😉

  1. Trodde det bare var hannindividene til gjess (goose) som het gasse og ikke til endene…

    Veldig kult med de bilene i familien din forresten! De er så søte! 😀 dere må jo døpe bilen til moren din etterhvert da! Nå føler den seg vel uttafor stakkar!

    • Du har helt rett *litt flau biolog* og det er nå rettet på 🙂

      Jeg tror mamma går og ruger (!) på et navn til den, men jeg er ikke sikker på hva det blir. Den er nok i hvert fall døpt til vil skal til Frankrike på biltreff!

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