One of my best friends is visiting from Oslo this weekend and we are doing Trondheim. Friday we played Settlers (a board game), ate carrot cake and drank port. It was a lovely night. I haven’t played Settlers in many years and it was great fun! Good friends and a quiet night is good for the soul. Before playing, Erik had gotten an invitation to a free three course dinner at Samfundet (it originally also included tickets to the show, but we decided three times was too much), so we had carpaccio of scallops, reindeer and panacotta for dinner that day…
Yesterday we went to see the show (revyen) again. This weekend is G-helg, which means that all the old students in Trondheim are invited to come to UKA. That means a lot of grey hair and many big spenders. Samfundet changed completely and there were almost no-one under 30 in the whole house before 24.00. But we had beer, ate hamburgers for dinner in our long dresses and ended up partying the whole night away.
Today I was pushed all the way up to Teisendammen (it’s quite a climb) by my boyfriend. He has decided that he wants to go skiing with me this winter, and to be able to keep up with him I need to do something with my running pace. So today he (almost walked) ran with me up all the hills and then down again. I’m also trying to learn how to get out to run, even though I have been partying the whole nigh away. It’s all in the head, I believe.
In half an hour I will be going out again. This time I’m going to Frati with the rest of the leaders in student politics in Trondheim. SiT is giving us a three course dinner and time to get to know each other better tonight. Looking forward to it!
I’ll be working three nights at Samfundet next week and I’ll be going to the David Guetta concert. So I think all free nights (especially Friday) will be spent at the office. 15th of May is getting ever closer…