Saturday was Lion King theme party at Regi and Erik and I were one zebra. We didn’t get a photo of the whole costume, but this is how our faces looked after Fride had painted us 🙂
We were in the elephant graveyard room where the light was green.
It was å wicked party and we watched the sun rise before we went to bed. Next weekend Erik might ser real zebras…
Du har sikkert sett linken alt, men den operaen her anbefales!
Hadde sett det, men takk for tipset!
Er… did you wear anything but stripes? Doesn’t look so… 😀
😉 Yes, I did, but it was a strapless dress, so you can’t see it on the picture. I also had stripes going over my shulders, but I must have taken them off this late in the evening.