These are the only two pictures I took all weekend.
Friday we did some last minute building and finally moved the rest of the tools and paint down in the basement. Then we had champagne with my parents in my glasses that I inherited from my grandmother.
Saturday we cleaned the entire apartment for the first time. We actually scrubbed the floors, removed the black stains and rearranged the furniture. We even managed to buy food before the first guests arrived 🙂 the party was a great success! Lots of people (more than enough space for 40 people), cake, salmon rolls, cocktails, champagne, cool people and colours 🙂 the last guests left at 5 in the morning, so Sunday was mostly spent in bed.
But we went out for brunch at Grunerløkka and then we had pai (don’t try the cake, only the pai) at The Nighthawk Diner. We walked through the market stalls, but didn’t find anything and then went home to clean the apartment again. Surprisingly it takes a lot of time to clean a bit apartment. I tink we will hire a cleaner, so we don’t have to clean all the time.
We are now “finished” remodelling the apartment. We have solved the biggest problems and will continue to fix things in a slower pace. We both need more spare time now and to do other things. We have a new to do-list of everything that is left and we will do a couple a week, but not four days a week. And we will start working on how the aparment should actually look like, furniture and things.