Feminisme for menn, forklart av Emma Watson til Esquire


ESQ: What are the benefits for men in greater gender equality?

EW: I think it’s important to note that it’s not about us convincing you that gender equality is worth engaging in only because there might be something in it for you. Or in it for your sister or your mother.

The question is, what’s in it for humans? Martin Luther King said injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. I really do believe that. And the benefits on top of that? Happier, healthier, more successful children? Being able to take proper paternity leave and see your baby? Being able to talk to someone if you’re feeling shit? Actually getting to be yourself? Getting asked out by a woman? Better sex? A marriage that is a true partnership? More diverse and interesting perspectives in art, culture, business and politics? Getting to crowdsource all the innovation and genius in the world, not just half of it. A highly increased number of safe, confident and fulfilled people on the planet, particularly women? World peace? Seriously. World peace!

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