I have borrowed this from “guidelines on spiritual and religious development” made by the world scout organisation. It is partly based on the scout law. I truly believe if we all tried to live like this, we would be able to create a better world.
A Scout is able to get along with and WELCOME others
• A Scout is able to welcome and respect others as brothers and sisters, while acknowledging differences in their religions, cultures, and ethnic groups
• A Scout is able to listen to others and to their experiences before making judgements about them
• A Scout is able to show compassion for the needs and humanity of others
A Scout understands and can WONDER at the natural world
• A Scout is sensitive to the wonders of nature and life
• A Scout is aware of the threats to the natural environment and his/her impact on the world around him
• A Scout is able to act responsibly in responding to the world around him/her
• A Scout is able to recognise that the natural world shows him something that is beyond himself/herself (a spiritual reality)
A Scout WORKS to create a more tolerant and caring society
• A Scout plays an active role in his/her community
• A Scout is able to share responsibility
• A Scout is able to cooperate with others to bring about improvements in society
• A Scout is able to discern and develop talents, acquire and improve his/her skills to enable him/her to better serve and live
A Scout has WISDOM: self-confidence and self-discipline
• A Scout is able to accept responsibility for his/herself and others
• A Scout is able to exercise self-discipline
• A Scout is able to draw conclusions for their personal life and to act upon them
A Scout recognises the need for prayer and WORSHIP*, for a spiritual response
• A Scout is able to explore the spiritual heritage of his or her own community and to use it in making sense of their past and present experiences
• A Scout is able to draw on the spiritual heritage of his or her community to express gratitude, need and sorrow
*Worship: The term “worship” does not quite say what we want to, but it does provide a way of remembering this aspect of spiritual development.