I would really like to be able to write wonderful blog post about my latest fandom, but I feel like I don’t know enough about it to really inspire the world the way I would like. But I will try.
– I am very busy and since I was 14I have needed a journal to keep my appointments.
– I love making lists and to organize my life.
– I can’t remember a thing, mostly because if I tried, my head would explode from strain.
– I can’t really live without the internet and would die of e-mail overload with a weeks absence during a work week.
– I have 7 e-mail addresses and 5 are in frequent use.
– I strive to be ever more effective.
– I follow 42 different blogs, internet comics and news devices (right now). (My newest is this wonderful Indian girl.)
– I have given my life to Google. I not only have two e-mail addresses with Google, but my previous blog was also with Google (blogspot).
– I have stopped using an organizer in paper, I now use Google calendar and a notebook from Moleskine to get me through the day.
– I read all my blogs and things in Google reader.
– I have started using producteev to manage my endless to do list. It is especially neat because you can share tasks with others (so my boyfriend and I give each other tasks without asking now…) and with your Gcal. So I can put my to do’s in my list with producteev and they are automatically in my calendar as well. I love it. All of this is also super easy for anyone with a smart phone, but as long as my own phone is still dumb, I only use it with my computer.
– I of course use Google docs to share documents with others and have had numerous meetings on Skype + G docs. It is a wonderful tool, really. Working with others in the same document in real time, beautiful.
Not willing to give your life to Google just yet? I highly recommend it 🙂 And as a disclaimer, I would never have started with half of this, had it not been for Erik. I love my new cyberspace life <3