Ok, so this week has already been a little bit of everything. Last Sunday I parked my car for the winter and I am now all ready for the snow to fall and winter to come. I spent allmost the whole of Sunday driving around Trøndelag, but everything was sorted out in the end. Luckily for me the weather was fantastic, sunny and warm, so I had a good time.
This weekend I am going to Fredrikstad for Toppledermøtet. For once I’ll be staying in a hotel the whole weekend, but staying in a hotel usually means that we well be working 24/7 the whole weekend… Yesterday I had the world’s most productive Skype meeting and I am finally all set for this weekend.
This week is the last week of UKA and I have been/will be working/partying/doing things UKA related most of this week. Two days of work then theatre, concert, beer and parties. It’s hard work being social… Today we’ll have a grand dinner, more champagne and then go see Fucked up.
I don’t know how next week will look, but I’m going to Stavanger that weekend, so it will probably be a short and hectic week. I’m good at both making delicious food and composing outfits, I’m just not that good at remembering to take pictures (I blame Erik). But in a week’s time I (hopefully) have a new (smart) phone and then maybe I can do something about that.
But now I need to get started on this master thesis. Those last details are killing me.