Salmon paté

I just thought I’d post my salmon paté recipe. It is really my dad’s and when he makes it he calles it salmon mousse, but since there really aren’t any air in it, I have decided to call it paté until someone tells me it can’t be a paté…

It is super simple and that is also why everyone loves it. It only has two ingredients:

  • 200 g smoked salmon
  • 100 g unsalted butter


  1. Chop both butter and salmon into small cubes.
  2. Make it smooth with a mixer (stavmikser, for eksempel).
  3. Add chilli and lemon juice to your taste. I usually eat it naturelle. Some green, fresh spices would probably also suit it well, especially something with a kick like leek or another onion type.
  4. Eat with dry bread, rye crackers or something similar (but avoid salt crackers, the paté is salt enough).

The salmon paté is perfect for an appetizer, snack for a party or if you are bringing something simple for a pot luck (at least a lunch or breakfast one). When I make it I never tell people how much butter is in it, I just smile as they tell me how much they love it. You should try making it sometime.

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