Suddenly there was a lot of thinking going on here on the blog. I blame short and quiet days and exams. This clip is a wonderful mouthful about porn, young people, social media and attitudes towards sex and what’s normal. She is a really good speaker so you should definitely see the video.
Here it is, Make love not porn by Cindy Gallop,
She has a site called with pages like this one with porn world vs. normal world and sell t-shirts with prints like this one on them:
I’m not sure I think this will become as big a problem as she thinks, but I still think it is an interesting problem and something that we need to think about. At least porn needs to be something you are allowed to talk about. That’s a good first step.
The other day, I heard about a study (done by a women, by the way), that compared the influence of porn to the influence of overly romantic soppy literature and movies.
The conclusion was that this romantic literature gives women a wrong picture of what a relationship should be like, just the same as porn gives men a wrong picture of what sexuality should be like.
Cool! Did they have any that both read romantic literature and watched porn? Would be cool to have a none, one and both test 🙂
That would be quite cool. But I cannot remember who told me about that study, so I can’t ask…
I should do something about my bad memory. 😀
Porn is a fantasy. Therefore it is not real. But therefore it is also not always conform. While I applaud the intent of this web page, as I understand is to focus on the diversity of human sexuality, I don’t feel that it is very accurate. Neither in the representation of porn, but also not always in its representation of the real world.