Today I’m leaving Trondheim. Not on an airplane, but in a van. I have lived here for five years now and, not surprisingly, my life has changed a lot. It’s perheps more strange that I still feel like the same person. I more or less have the same interests, scouting, music, culture, fashion and more or less the same friends. I know different things and want to learn other things than I did then. I think I am a better person now than I was then. I better at caring for the people I love. I am as happy and smile as much, but in a way I am more settled with my life. I could live my life, just as it is right now, for the rest of my life. I like the pace, I like the people, I like my surroundings, I like the possibilities.
It’s strange to leave a place without arriving at some other place, but I guess that just makes you think more about the things you leave behind. I still know just as little about my future now as I did in March. I now have three new interviews, but still no job offers. It’s already September and I am ready to find a place where I know I can stay for a while.
I like Oslo, but this state is just too temporary for me. Especially now that we’ve been here since July. 2.5 months already. Two and a half months. Twoandahalfmonths.