Yes, I did take couple of shots of people as well. Here they are!
This guy had come all the way from Malawi and the Scout Association of Malawi (SAM) to learn about how we do democracy in NSF. It’s always good to get some new impulses 🙂
This is Arne, the former leader of the programme comittee. Now he enjoys the peaceful life with his scout group back home.
The girl in grey is wonderful Kathrine, she is also in the programme committee. After we have gotten a lot of new members in the committee the last couple of months, she is the only one who has been a member longer than I have. She works really hard and is terribly good at what she does and very funny.
Cool Thea out in the wind. She is now in our national board, deciding important stuff.
Love this pic. And love the mechanism that keeps Vilde’s hood close to her head. Just perfect out on deck.
Straight ahead!
Suddenly finally the sun came out and the light was just fantastic.
Vilde is part of the group organizing Roverløft this spring. I am supervising them and will come visit in Tønsberg next weekend when they have their first meeting.
After this picture, we walked up to the hotel and after that, I spent the rest of the weekend inside. The service at the hotel was not the best, but Geiranger was truly beautiful. I am coming back when it’s greener and I have a new tent. Need to camp on one of those hills, just to wake up to that spectacular view.