In two weeks I am going to Kopenhagen for an event hosted by WAGGGS, the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. There are two world organisations for scouting in the world, WAGGGS and WOSM (World Organisation of the Scout Movement), where WAGGGS is a (mostly) girls only-organisation, while WOSM have no gender specific focus.
As these two organisations are actually global, most of their work is not done in Europe and most of their members do not have the good fortune of experiencing the aftermath of the last 100 years of equality work that has been going on in Europe. One of the aspects where the two organisations are very similar, is in their work on developing good people and good leaders. And the event I’m going to in Kopenhagen, is part of the WAGGGS Leadership Development Programme.
The event that I will be going to “Beyond boundaries”, is described like this:
“This event will provide a forum for decision makers in Girl Guiding/Girl Scouting associations to share challenges and raise awareness on leadership development trends; to learn and discuss about leadership theories and practices; to analyse and consider the conditions and tools that can help addressing the diversity in leadership approaches across WAGGGS members.”
My scout association does not spend much time working on female-only topics and it’s always interesting to attend WAGGGS events. You never realise how male-dominated all organisation work and every day life is before you’re in an all-female environment. I am excited to see what I learn the five days I will spend in Kopenhagen.