This weekend wasn’t really like a weekend, but more like an ordinary seminar or conference. We do the same things every day, but talk about different things. Wake up at eight, wonderful breakfast, sessions start at nine. The first session we have a keynote speaker and then we have different sessions where we discuss the aspects of the day’s theme. We have coffee breaks, really good lunch and finally dinner at seven. The evenings are spent talking with all the interesting people.
This week will be about scouting and fun.
Today we are talking about strategy and sales, how to sell scouting both to potential members and investors.
Tomorrow is the last day here and we will talk about global leadership and what we are going to use this all for when we get back home.
Wednesday I am going home and hope that I will last through a whole day of work. In the evening I have a Skype meeting and probably an early night.
Thursday it’s back to the office, but in the evening we are going to the opera 🙂 I am really looking forward to it.
Friday we have dinner plans with Fredrik and Karianne in their new house.
Saturday I have no plans, but that is probably a good idea.
Sunday we are going to sleigh in Korketrekker, the old bob sleigh track in Oslo. I just hope that the snow will keep.