Interior design

As we have been on the hunt for an apartment for a while now, I have started noting what I actually like and what I would want to do with my own house (apartment). I realise I really like 20’s style and clean lines. But I also need a good sofa to crash in. We have a long list of things that makes an apartment, an excerpt is:

  • dining table for at least 8, enough working space in the kitchen for three people working at once, a good sofa, enough space for all our clothes (and all my shoes and handbags), space for all our books, CDs and things, storage space close by for hiking gear and skis….

We have also decided that there are so much you can get for free, either from parents and grandparents that have too much stuff, or from Finn and thift shops, why buy something new when you can get better quality for a lower price? So I guess our house will end up looking a bit patched and quirky.

I thought I’d link to two sites, onw with bookshelf porn (for inspiration) and one with IKEA hacks (for ideas). Some sneak peaks here:

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Nice, right?!


This is a remodelled chair



And this is a dog house made out of a bed stand

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