The end of an era

After what I guess is about 6 months, I have decided to stop my weekly posts on what I’m going to do.Mostly because I don’t want a blog of only that and right now I am already getting into summer mode. In summer mode I blog sporadically because I’m actually out doing things.

The last two weeks have been wonderful outside the internet. I was really good being outside for two nights, kayaking and just taking it slow. It was lovely going to Tusenfryd with Erik, talking about what we are going to do with the apartment and enjoying his company. Thursday it was the monthly meeting of Komité Speiding where we had to new members. And for the first time in many years we are one person extra, not one person short. This makes everything better and things run more smoothly, and next month we’ll have our meeting on the ship Havbraat and we are all very exited.

And as summer is getting closer there is less to do in scouting so I’m finally seeing the bottom of my inbox and my evenings are clearing up. So this weekend was just a breeze. I had my R exam on Friday and felt the “finished with it all” sensation the whole weekend. Friday we sat on a park bench and watched the skiers getting their pictures taken. Then we went to my parent’s house and barbequed and had the most amazing Barolo.

Saturday we had a slow morning for the first time in a long while, cleaned the apartment, had pankaces for breakfast and just got things done. We sat outside in the sun and looked at colour samples for the apartment (we are definitely going for colourful) and ended up getting to know some of our neighbours around the barbeque outside our house. We had beer, port, tequila and lots of laughs (and the perfect BBQed salmon).

Sunday was another spectacular day so we had our first breakfast outside. Then we decided to go cycling in the woods (Nordmarka). It was a very good trip, but I wasn’t prepared for all those hills, I have to admit. But I was only in my shorts and bikini top and we swam in one of the lakes before we went home. It was the perfect summer weekend and I love that we will have many more this summer.

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