Today and tomorrow I am doing Software Carpentry. I am improving my skills in BASH shell, python and will learn git, whatever that may be. I have already met three people I know, learned some new things and am looking forward to getting new, smart tools to improve my work day.
Still the python lecture is quite easy, so I have time to blog as well.
Everybody can attend one of these, so if you want to learn more on bioinformatics, just look at the page and see when the next bootcamp might be.
In two weeks I will be attending SISG, summer institute in statistical genetics, at University of Washington in Seattle. I will do two courses, one in Bayesian statistics and Markov chains and one in genetic animal data analysis. So this will be a heavy summer!
It is strange to think that a year ago I was just starting to learn to code Python using Udacity, and now I am expanding and getting better at it all the time. I am so glad Erik talked me into trying.