You know what? This weekend I was social all three evenings. Don’t think I have had so much spare time in months. I know I haven’t, actually.
Friday we had dinner with Ruben at his parent’s place in Oslo, where he is staying while waiting for a VISA for USA. We had wild salmon! And afterwords we went to Kråka (the Crowbar), a really good brew pub. They only have beer, and it is all on tap. Great place.
Saturday we drove to Fredrik and Karianne in Jessheim to barbeque. It was actually my first barbeque this summer… Tells you a lot about my life this summer I guess. But yeah, we barbequed, talked, discussed travelling, work, houses and Trondheim. UKA is in a few weeks and Erik and Fredrik will be going a couple of times. I miss Trondheim a bit.
Sunday Erik’s aunt ha a birthday barbeque with more than enough rosé on their terrace. It was nice to see his whole family after the summer and hear what they all have been doing.