So here you can see our new shower, almost finished. You will also see some of the dirt and strangeness that was under the bathtub and the tub itselt. The tub is the fourth item we have given away on and it is my favorite way of getting rid of things that can be used, but you don’t want to use anymore. Recycling of things! This far we have given away the whole old kitchen, a wardrobe full of drawers, a kitchen cabinet and this tub. It saves you the time and money of throwing it away too.
So now the bathroom is actually finished and we can move in for real. You know, actually put things on the shelves and get that new lamp. And we have to scrub the room clean too. Four or five weeks of redecorating leaves a lot of dust and dirt…
And yesterday Tone came and helped me file/scrub/polish (pusse) the walls of the livingroom, so now we are half way to smooth walls. And when they are smooth, we will finally start painting them. I can’t wait to see how the red colour will look on the wall. Oh, and Erik went to IKEA yesterday. So we now have the rest of the drawers and doors for the kitchen and a ventilator too.
There is so much left to do in the apartment, but it slowly starts to feel more like an apartment and less like a dump site.