My 4th IMWe!

Guys! I did it! I managed to go back to IMWe! This is probably my biggest achievement of 2019. Seriously.

Enjoying the evening sun with old and new scouting friends.

IMWe, or Internationale Musische Werkstatt, is the most amazing workshop I have ever attended. It is so different from anything else that not a single person manages to explain what it is fully. In short it is perfect for you if you are a scout and have at least one creative bone in your body. You don’t have to come from Europe, but you have to be willing to spend nine days during Easter just East of Frankfurt in Germany.

Me as Elder Price in “Hello!” from Book of Mormon (dressed as tante Sofie from Kardemommeby)

I first went to IMWe in 2006, instantly got addicted and went back in 2007. Then I was a poor student and chose to do different things, but I went back in 2011. Unfortunately (or maybe it is a good thing) I have found other things to do every Easter since, but every year I have longed to be at IMWe.

Why? Because it is a week completely filled to the brim with creativity. You do crafts with any kind of material, make music of any genre with any instrument, dance, play games, learn new creative educational methods and get to know a lot of new people. This year there was weaving, computer programming, stand up, comedy, card making, calligraphy, make-up, traditional dancing, choir, 5-string banjo playing, nose flute, bass, harp, board games, real life RPG, costumes, yoga, meditation, rainbow scouting, doodling and those are only the ones I still remember.

Me with my modified weave, using beer bottles as weights to make a table runner (table cloth) to match my perfect, favourite blanket

The programme starts at 9:15 and finishes at 23:00 every day, but this includes workshops, dream time, chatting time, time for music, games and meditation. IMWe is a safe space where you can explore all creative arts, challenge yourself and completely emerge yourself in being super serious about silliness.

IMWe has given me deep and profound friendships and it says a lot that I could come back after 8 years and still find friends and friendships that immediately were re-kindled.

Normal scene at IMWe: 1 banjo, 2 ukuleles, 4 guitars

I barely averaged five hours of sleep per night, but I feel so energised coming back home. You can register already for next year here, and I really think you should 🙂

Norsk: det føltes helt naturlig å skrive om IMWe på engelsk, så da ble det sånn 🙂

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