So I have again this semester, suddenly got ill and had to rearrange my whole schedule. 🙁 So instead of having the final exam today I had blocked sinuses (bihuler), a fever and a sore throat. No fun. Luckily my professor said that I should just tell him when I’m better and we’ll set a new date. But I’m still sick. My entire head hurts and I have no-one to look after me. Definitely the worst thing about being single and living away from home. Having to cook for yourself when you are ill.
I hope I will be better tomorrow, because I still have two exercises I need to do this week. And then it is all the lab work and the work at the herbarium. The 26th of May, I will have no more exams, only master thesis lab work and work-work. Good times!
I hope you’l get well soon…
Thank you. I hope so too. Hope you had a nice birthday 🙂
God bedring! Vårforkjølelse er stygge. Håper den slipper såpass taket at du kommer deg ut i det fine kjole- og skjørtværet 🙂
Takk! Jeg satser på at å kle godt på meg, sove mye og ta det rolig gjør at jeg blir frisk til slutt. Det begynner å hjelpe nå så jeg har troa 🙂
Well, I had to work… All my vacation days are used up for scouting activities this year… 😀