
I have recently fallen in love with a new product. After post about Producteev and Google, you might think that that was enough, but no. My freshest love is WiMP. If you haven’t heard of it, it is a collaboration (at least the two logos I see) between Telenor and Platekompaniet. It is just like Spotify, for all of you who know it, just that you have to pay to listen no matter how much you can use it. You can buy songs from there, you can use it on your computer and telephone and I know not what. The difference? Quality.

I’m not saying that the quality is better, I wouldn’t know that, but people who know music is part of this. They make wonderful playlists that you can use. Playlists made by artists, for music festivals or for specific occations (date, running intervals etc.). I actually really like it. You should try it. You can try it for a month for free, but you have to live in Norway, Sweden, Ireland or Portugal (or something).

What I was really going to blog about? My three latest fandoms on the music scene.

Jonas Alaska – Jonas Alaska

I first heard him at Øya this summer. He was really wonderful. He is like a mix of Bob Dylan, Paul Simon and a Norwegian guitar guy. It is a really good album, quite low key, but not all slow. Highly recommend it!

Alison Krauss – Paper Airplane

Alison Krauss has been around for a while and this is yet another really good album. She is in bluegrass/country/pop and the music is pleasant, interesting, sad and beautiful, all at once. The band does a magnificent job. I love this girl.

Bon Iver – Bon Iver

Bon Iver started as a underground phenomenon and this is his first long playing album. What can I say, it is just one long pleasure ride. It is difficult to describe the music, but it is somewhere between electronica, indie, tiny bit of pop and something else. Try it.

How should you taste these treats? Well, I play it loud on my wonderful speakers and lay down on my bed with my eyes closed and just listen. Let the music fill me up and just drift on the songs. There is nothing like it.

4 thoughts on “Music!

  1. I’m just listening to Alison Krauss during work, and I’ve already fallen in love with her…

    Thanks for introducing her to me. 😀

    I’m using simfy to listen to it right now. It’s a German music streaming service, which allows you to listen to 20 hours of music every month for free. They have a tremendous amount of music available. They don’t have Jonas Alaska, though. I’ll have to see, where I can find him…

  2. Redaksjonell kvalitet er bra. Teknisk kvalitet er dårlig. Og det er synd. Jeg VIL like Wimp, men de gjør det vanskelig. Så jeg holder meg til Spotify litt til. Men jeg tror de holder hverandre litt i skinnet.

    • Jeg har aldri betalt for Spotify, men holder meg nå til WiMP. Jeg liker at WiMP har artister Spotify ikke har. Men jeg får se hva jeg gjør framover. Det er viktig at det er flere aktører på markedet og det blir spennende å se hvordan de to utvikler seg i forhold til hverandre.

  3. Ja, Wimp har noen artister som Spotify ikke har, men det samme gjelder også andre veien. Men jeg skulle som sagt virkelig ønske at Wimp kunne lage en bedre avspiller, for jeg har sansen for deres redaksjonelle tilsnitt. Spotify har ingenting slikt. Til gjengjeld er Spotify mye mer sosiale, og lar meg dele musikk bedre med vennene mine. Men så har Wimp bedre igjen, så det er liksom ikke så lett. De har sine sider, begge to.

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