Right now I am on my way back to Trondheim. Again. SAS is the second largest contributor to my phone inbox at the moment and has been for a while. I travel too much. I can assure you that once a week, five weeks in a row, isn’t fun. But you quickly get a favorite everything.
Favorite airline? SAS.
Favorite luggage? Carry on.
Favorite airshuttle? Flybussekspressen in Trondheim, Flytoget in Oslo.
And so, I have turned into a monster.
I have my favorite spot on both the bus and the train (back of the bus, last seat of a window, in front of the train to faster get to the tube).
I am the queen of light packing.
I always carry liquids in flight bags, even when I’m not flying.
I have stopped using a special bag for toiletries, I use a flight bag.
I know the timetable of the airportexpress in Trondheim by heart.
But soon, in 1,5 weeks, I’ll be in Trondheim for at least three weeks in a row. No meetings, no travelling. And then? CHRISTMAS
You’re becoming scary… You should take a break from flying, like for the whole next year… 😀
Ah, that won’t work. But I’ll try to cut back on my flying. But you know, when you live in the middle of nowhere, as I do, you have to fly to get places…
You could fly for a very last time out of the middle of nowhere, and stay whereever you landed… 😉