I’m so excited, and I just can’t hide it

I am going to spend the next three years of my life working with this guy! Yes, I got the PhD at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB) in Ås! Yey! You know what this means? I am getting a real job with co-workers and tasks and holidays. I can’t wait. And now we can finally do some real planning for the future. Where should we live? Right now Erik and I work at completely opposite sides of town, so we might get our first heated debate…

What am I doing my PhD on? Well, it is in genomics and bioinformatics (taking those two courses this Autumn was the smartest thing I have done) on salmon. I am going to compare the genome of wild and bred salmon and see how they differ. I’m not going to see or toutch a single salmon, but only work on huge datasets on my computer.

This also means that I will start taking the train for 56 minutes every day, be bugged with traffic and snow chaos and such. I will probably have time to read newspapers or blog twice a day or read a ton of articles on my way to work, so I guess it’s all good. It also means that I have more courses to do, more exams and a final, huge, terrifying exam in three years. Oh, well, I should worry about that later.

To cheer you and myself up, I give you this nice picture of all the flowers in our apartment right now.

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