Week 2

This weekend was just wonderful. Friday we helped some friends move and then we saw Jarle Bernhoft and band at Rockefeller. After that we tried a new bar in the basement there called Bushwick. Really nice. Saturday we slept in, enjoyed our breakfast and rummaged through our new cookbooks to find exciting new dinner suggestions. After that we cleaned the apartment, made delicious food and celebrated Åses birthday. Sunday we went straight to the gym for the first weight lifting in a long while, had another delicious breakfast and after just a couple of hours Erik had to leave for Copenhagen. I spent the evening with a movie and the Internet.

This week is just the week from hell, or rather a obsessive planner’s dream week.

  • Monday we have our first preparatory meeting for the troop in Longship group, which I have to do alone, as Erik is in Copenhagen
  • Tuesday it’s the first committee meeting of Komité Speiding this year
  • Wednesday we have invited the scouts’ parents to come and give and get information on the next six months
  • Thursday all the leaders in the scout group will meet up and make big decisions and big plans for the group the next two years
  • Friday Erik has promised me we will do something fun, which probably means, a good work out, good food and an early night 😉
  • Saturday we are invited to Meatmarked with Erik’s family
  • Sunday we’ll probably have to shop, clean and work out some more

I’m not quite sure what I will be doing at work, but probably what I have been doing the last two weeks, reading articles, trying to solve all the little problems when trying to do an analysis and slowly ticking all the boxes from the univeristy (deciding courses, making plans, getting keys).

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