WAGGGS Leadership Development Program

…or why I went to Kopenhagen a couple of weeks ago.

It was a part of the leader development work that they do in WAGGGS (world organisation for girl scouts and guides) and this time the object was global leadership in diverse environments. In order to make it diverse, there was a great geographic diversity in the origin of the participants. I have never been in such a diverse environment before, not that I haven’t been in places with people from all over the world, but as we were only 60 people, I actullay talked to everyone during the five days we were there. And I learned so mutch about all the countries that were there. I had time to learn about life, challenges and joys of young people all over.

I only managed to get my camera out one day, but the light was wonderful, so I am quite pleased with the result.


Gunvor from KFUK-KFUM speiderne, the other Norwegian scout and guide association.


Beth from the world office and Barbara from Italy, who was in the planning team.


Kenya, Autralia and Sweden


Finland and Denmark


Nepal and Switzerland


The Southern European gang, Greece, Italy, Switzerland and Germany (south is a relative term, you know)


UK and Canada


Roman from Germany


Thomas from Switzerland


Rita from Italy (who owns a comic book shop in Pisa that we hopefully will have time to visit)


Ino from Greece




UK (with owls!)

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Rwanda and world board


Lovely Kenya


Yemen and more Philippines


Finland and Oman


Costa Rica

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USA talking about selling cookies. Do you see that number? They sell cookies for 790 million USD a year. Crazy. But they do have 2 million youth members as well.


Oh, and thin mints is actually the best cookie I have tasted in a long while. No wonder it is the best selling cookie in the US (even though they only sell it one month a year).


Singapore, Pakistan and Denmark.


Nigeria had made centenery dresses in the guide groups at home. Isn’t it great?

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This is what has kept me in scouting after I moved away from home. The endless possibilities to travel, meet new people and learn about the world. To see the diversity and get to know exhiting people who do exactly what I do.

And in two weeks I’m going to Paris to plan an event quite like this 🙂 I’m hoping for a sunny Paris.

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