
There has been a lot of traveling lately and not all of it has been as pleasant as I had hoped. I managed to get some sleep before I left Stavanger on Friday. I was up early enough, but not too much, for my flight home to Oslo. We managed to get all of the laundry and packing done before we left for the airport on Sunday and we were at the airport in good time. But then we only got one seat on the Amsterdam – Seattle.

I had been looking forward to finally doing this journey with Erik, not traveling alone, but enjoying company. We had also agreed that as I did all the packing while he was on the bus on Saturday, he would fix everything on Sunday. But now I would be on my own and we wouldn’t see each other in 24 hours. Not an ideal start to our four week trip. And added problem was that we had packed our luggage so that not one was mine and the other his, but mixed. But when I travel alone, I can only get one of the bags and therefore not all my belongings.

Erik had to wait to get transferred to a new plane almost 24 hours later than me, because Delta had overbooked at least five flights that Sunday. But they could not tell him what flight he would be on until after I was on the plane, so we had no chance to plan anything.

So now I have to do the first day in Seattle alone. I need to find the place we are staying, I need to find out how to get to the Uni tomorrow morning, I need to get internet so I can see what I need to do to be prepared for tomorrow. Depending on which bag I get I either need to get a new power cord for my PC and sandals or some underwear and a tshirt. And I need to buy some food and sleep a lot.

Wow. What a weekend. I am very happy that I am staying in Seattle for two weeks, so I get some peace and quiet. It has been a long time since I was at home every evening 14 days in a row…

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