After months (literally) of getting nowhere, I have finally mangaged to get some results I can trust. The sad part is that I have found no structure in my dataset, but lots of genetic variation. So now I’m finished (for a while) with computer programs that won’t cooperate and will try to solve my new puzzle by reading a lot of articles. It will be good doing something different, after four months with excel…
As you know, I have a poster presentation coming up and I spend my “I’m so tired, but I can’t go home yet”-time working on my poster. It is already looking prettier than the link I put out here earlier and I think I’ll be ready in time for ForBio. As a part of this work, I have had great help from Marc Daverdin at the museum to make a pretty map in GIS. After some adjusting he finished it today. It looks very similar to a map I showed you this autumn, but this is the one that will actually go in my master thesis. Look at that 🙂
These are all the 168 samples that ended up being my master project, divided into 15 populations and 4 regions. The areas inside the red lines is the total distribution of my species. Good coverage, eh?