Week 5

This weekend was filled with snow and Erik. Friday I spent the day first learning about all the practical things a PhD candidate at UMB should know and after lunch I witnessed my first PhD dissertation. It was interesting, scary and fun at the same time. Friday night we were packing for our cabin trip, grocery shopping and mentally preparing for a two day hike with 12-16 year olds.

It started snowing during the night and snowed the whole weekend, but with below zero temperatures, we weren’t wet and it wasn’t too cold either. The cabin we went to is owned by our scout group, but hasn’t been used that mutch the last 15 (!) years. And as the city has spread, our forest cabin is suddenly at the edge of a villa area. It was strange walking over to the small toilet house and look over the valley and all the houses and lights on the way.

Sunday we had a slow start, some oatmeal pudding and a slow walk through civilisation to our pick up point. When we came home warm showers and hot soup was on the menu. In the evening I finally had some time to catch up with my inbox and we had waffles as a night snack before bed.

  • Monday we are invited over to Ola’s place for dinner. He always makes delicious food, so I am very excited, even though we can’t stay long (due to getting up very early in the morning)
  • Tuesday is the first day of my “Statistical programming in R course” and I am a bit nervous.
  • Tuesday I will be vack in the gym again too 🙂
  • Wednesday is the last day at work for Simon, one of the bioinformaticians. He has helped me a lot with Linux and I will miss him after he moves to Berlin.
  • And I will stop by our scout house on my way back from work, to see how the patrol meetings are going.
  • Thursday is another gym/home night (when I work a “long day” at the office and then go to the gym after, I’m not home until 19.30 and I have to go to bed at 21.30, so there is not mutch left of the day)
  • Friday we might go to the Opera/theatre, but we haven’t decided yet.
  • Saturday will be calm and include grocery shopping, cleaning and reading of the paper, I guess. Oh, and maybe buying a new carry on suitcase.
  • Saturday is also the annual general assembly of the 2CV club and it’s wonderful “French night” dinner. This year is insired by French Morocco and African dishes. Looking forward to a wonderful night with exciting food.
  • Sunday is wide open and I think I’ll just keep it like that for a little while.

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