Camp camp camp

So today is the last day of camp here in Stavanger and as always it seems as if it had just started. It is always like that with scout camps. I have had a week with bloody brilliant Autralians, walked pulpit rock (Preikestolen), managed 10 kids from 12 to 16 years for a week and held an activity on democracy training. I have met lots of old friends I haven’t seen since the last national jamboree in 2009 or in Trondheim last year. Some have babies, some have moved, many are in new relationships, but all of them are just the same.

I tink that is one of the things I like the most about scout camp, how you keep meeting your friends and you alway start where you left off the last time. Today is the marked day and the finale with lots of acticities. But we also have to start taking down the camp as we are leaving tomorrow. And as I am flying out very early tomorrow I also have to pack everything Erik and I need washedand take it with me.

Saturday I will be in Oslo doing everything that needs doing before we leave for Seattle and South Korea. I am really looking forward to four weeks on adventure with Erik 🙂

But now I have to get up because the activities start soon and the kids will be back from their overnight hike and we have to be prepared.

Click the liknk to the left to see my camp experience captured by instagram or check out the camp website (




Jeg tvitret om disse notene i forrige uke, og nå så jeg at landsleiren 2013 (dvs den nasjonale speiderleiren for Norges Speiderforbund) har skrevet en artikkel om dem. Det er tydeligvis et roverlag (dvs 16-25 åringer) som ville gjøre noe ‘ganske imponerende’ som er tag linen til leiren til sommeren. Og da har de laget kunst fra fjordisen som man ser veldig godt fra toget. Jeg synes det er kjempefint og håper jeg får møtt roverne på leiren til sommeren 🙂

Stavanger 2013

Just some pictures of what met us this morning when we entered the auditorium. Nice merch for our national jamboree next summer.


A lunch box!



The piece I liked the best was this match box. If you look closely you see that it says that it is enough matches for ten camp fires. You only need one match per camp fire, right? 😉 See you in Stavanger in July 2013?