One day in Malta

I finally found time to post my pictures from Malta. I only brought my camera one day, the other days I was too busy holding sessions and running around.


An orange tree


An ice cream van

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The lobby of our hotel

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Waiting to go out

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The view from the hotel


This is where I took my lunch hour swim

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Two fourths of RoverSambandet

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Malta is a big rock, so everything was made from rock also all the fences

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I found a place in the road where snails had completely taken over all the vegetation, it looked quite spectacular

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Unripe fig on figtree

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I would like a door like this

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The Maltese love their balconies

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This is Valletta, as much as I saw of it

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Oh, and we walked past a house full of garden gnomes


A mini-door for the gnomes

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The only picture of me on my own camera


The Maltese are very catholic and we saw saints and small chapels all over the place


I remember taking a picture of this fish in Shetland, and it was all over Malta as well

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A church with coloured light bulbs

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A Spanish scout found us and wanted a picture

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Another saint

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The walls of Mdina, the old town in Malta

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We had our dinner and a walk inside Mdina. All the people we met were all dressed up.


And all the roads in Mdina were bent

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We even found a Maltese wedding

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Jón and I really wanted some of that champagne, but we were a bit underdressed


I think I want succulents on my balcony too

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I’m coming home

Right now I’m on the train back to Oslo. I have started using NSB in stead og the airport express train because my ordinary bus card covers the whole distance to the airport. But this train is just as fast, so I’m happy.

It was a very good weekend, the sessions went very well, we had good discussions and I think we have moved forward. And I am very exited to see what the European region will do with the rover age section the next three years.

But I have to admit that the sun and warmth also made it a very good weekend. I am more sunburned than Erik likes and I have lovely panda eyes (from my oversized sunglasses), but I like it.

Here you can see the West coast of Italy by Rome and the Alps today.




Day two of RoverNet! Yesterday I had. My two big sessions, one about the role and work of the rover commissioner and one about key moments and key skills aquired during a “rover’s life”. We are talking about programme, measuring quality, support from you NSO (national scout association) and the European region.

I even managed to take a swim in the ocean during lunch yesterday and today I went for a run before breakfast. Later today, as part of the program, we will go for a walk into Mdina and to some discussing in the fresh air. After that we will have dinner out there and tomorrow morning I go back home.

It is lovely here in Malta, the constant sunshine, the temperature (shorts and t-shirt all day through), the view of the ocean, the wonderful food at the hotel and all the magnificent participants and discussions.




Off to see the wizard

I am going to Malta today for RoverNet and VentureNet. It is an event for rover and venture commissioners in the scout associations in WOSM Europe. I will stay at some hotel the rest of the week, holding sessions, moderating discussions and getting to know many new people. And in addition to this, the forecast says 23 degrees and sun, so I will be in full summer mode!


Rainy Sunday in Paris

I ended up having almost a whole day of spare time in Paris after my meeting there. I didn’t have any “most dos” and not very much is open on Sundays, but it ended up being a good day. I tried to find a Sunday marked, but is was raining (we even had hail in the end), so nobody were out. And that city is really big, so it takes some time just to get around. I didn’t want to get my camera wet, so these are the only good ones I took.


José and Jón (and my suitcase) were my company for some of the day. Here we are hiding from a sudden shower of rain.

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I found a flowering tree <3

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I tried to find a street marked, but they were all closed.


My lunch. It was actually sort of a strange, because it was extremely difficult to chew, but perfectly done. And the chips were heaven.


What I saw of the Eiffel tower.

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There is definitely something about the architecture in this town, it’s grandness, maybe…


Pretty lamppost

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Modern art meets classic art

Paris (or planning, really)

I went to Paris last weekend. I didn’t notice it much, but I was there. I knew Mary, Jón and Radu already, and Mary and I share a love for all things pretty. Especially dresses and skirts and pretty colours.


On our way to the office the first morning.


We used two rooms in the offices of the French scout association.


This is the only picture I have of any of my outfits that weekend. Notice the summer shoes!


Radu in action. White boards <3


Hand support is important for thinking


Part 1 of ‘the creative team’! (I am the second part)


Lunch the French way


Notice how consumers are doing what Coca Cola tells them; Radu with Zero and Mary with light.


A normal lunch in France, coq á vin with veggies on a straight line. Very tasty!


Mary had chevré salad

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My crazy sized and truly wonderful lemon merengue pie


Happy southerners (they’re from Partugal and Greece)


The Paris I saw sort of looked like this


Outfit pic of Mary before dinner


The gals, red lips and grey 😉

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They talked about football a lot


We talked about interesting stuff 😉

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When in doubt, have steak. Ask for “bleu”, it means blue. I think it is the best thing about French, they don’t have a word for “rare” (as in “how do you like your steak”), they say blue.


I had snails (escargót), risotto and some bubbly.

I will show you the pictures from the (rainy) Sunday later!

Back in yellow

I’m back from Romania and studying for my final exam. I have just been busy, but while I try to catch up with friends and Erik, here is the last week through Instagram (bulldozerborg).


Studying at Trondheim airport.


Group sessions and presentations for four days. This was about employability and entrepreneurship in scouting.


The magnificent rover program in Ireland. I have brought back a ton of inspiration and plans for the future of our program.


This was dessert one night. Dessert. One apple. The Romanian food was strange and far between, but the hotel was nice (even though people would smoke indoors).


Almost home in Trondheim. The sun is shining even tough it is in the middle of the night.

Out and about

After weeks of “OMG I have so much to do!” I have now arrived at “I have no idea what to do to fill all this time”. I blame lack of master thesis and lack of boyfriend. So my plans for the next week are:

1. study for my exam

2. exercise a lot

3. do all the chores I have postponed for 6 months

4. spend time in the sun (which is here! Yay!)

5. no idea

In a week I’m going to Bucharest in Romania for a forum/conference/thing with WOSM Europe and I am actually very happy about it. It will be fun. And I will have two whole days in Bucharest to relax and study as well.

And when I get back from Bucharest, Erik will be back again 🙂 and you know what? Then the summer will be here! Can’t wait!