Paris om sommeren

Sommeren 2011 var jeg på 2CV-treff i Frankrike og på vei tilbake fra treffet kjørte vi innom Paris og var der i noen dager. Det var varmt, vakkert og god mat. Og ingenting er som å kjøre fransk bil i Frankrike. Jeg lengter til sommerfri som varer evig, varme og å være nøttebrun. Det ble plutselig så høstlig her hjemme.









English: I went on a 2CV gathering in France the summer of 2011 and we spent a couple of days in Paris on our way back.

Rainy Sunday in Paris

I ended up having almost a whole day of spare time in Paris after my meeting there. I didn’t have any “most dos” and not very much is open on Sundays, but it ended up being a good day. I tried to find a Sunday marked, but is was raining (we even had hail in the end), so nobody were out. And that city is really big, so it takes some time just to get around. I didn’t want to get my camera wet, so these are the only good ones I took.


José and Jón (and my suitcase) were my company for some of the day. Here we are hiding from a sudden shower of rain.

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I found a flowering tree <3

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I tried to find a street marked, but they were all closed.


My lunch. It was actually sort of a strange, because it was extremely difficult to chew, but perfectly done. And the chips were heaven.


What I saw of the Eiffel tower.

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There is definitely something about the architecture in this town, it’s grandness, maybe…


Pretty lamppost

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Modern art meets classic art

Paris (or planning, really)

I went to Paris last weekend. I didn’t notice it much, but I was there. I knew Mary, Jón and Radu already, and Mary and I share a love for all things pretty. Especially dresses and skirts and pretty colours.


On our way to the office the first morning.


We used two rooms in the offices of the French scout association.


This is the only picture I have of any of my outfits that weekend. Notice the summer shoes!


Radu in action. White boards <3


Hand support is important for thinking


Part 1 of ‘the creative team’! (I am the second part)


Lunch the French way


Notice how consumers are doing what Coca Cola tells them; Radu with Zero and Mary with light.


A normal lunch in France, coq á vin with veggies on a straight line. Very tasty!


Mary had chevré salad

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My crazy sized and truly wonderful lemon merengue pie


Happy southerners (they’re from Partugal and Greece)


The Paris I saw sort of looked like this


Outfit pic of Mary before dinner


The gals, red lips and grey 😉

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They talked about football a lot


We talked about interesting stuff 😉

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When in doubt, have steak. Ask for “bleu”, it means blue. I think it is the best thing about French, they don’t have a word for “rare” (as in “how do you like your steak”), they say blue.


I had snails (escargót), risotto and some bubbly.

I will show you the pictures from the (rainy) Sunday later!


This is the first of many posts about France, the trip and everything. Petter and I had decided that when we drove past Paris anyway, we could just as well stop by and find out what kind of city it was. In the end we got the rest of my family and a couple of other guys to join us as well and the trip was a blast. We were only there for three days and only saw a small part of it all, but now we have lots still to see 🙂

I managed to do a bit of shopping while in Paris and bought a pair of silver sandals, a pair of black ballet pumps a wonderful yellow bag (that you have already seen) and two Moleskine books of different sizes.

Ok so, Paris

The day we arrived in Paris…

Petter, Ingeborg and Dolly in Paris

Traffic in Paris – much better than I feared, but only because we were saved by the GPS…

We were 11 cars driving together to Paris and therefore had to do some circles around the Champs Elysees. It was fantastic! Ah, cars driving in every direction, from every direction, it was like being on a radio car track and I LOVED it. You should try it sometime.

This is me and Dolly! Petter took lots of pictures of us and Dolly and I managed to be on one. I think we did more than 10 rounds before we exited 🙂

Now; pictures of me and differently shaped rocks in Paris. Pretend not to notice Petter’s fingerprint on my lens… (I was wearing mom’s old Adidas shorts and a loose fitting metallic top. It was terribly hot while we were there.)

We had breakfast in the park. I can’t remember it’s name but on the other side you’ll find Louvre.

There were a lot of statues in the park. I like men’s backsides (in case you wondered).

Me and Louvre. To actually see anything in there, I might need a lifetime. Or three months dedicated to the place. Just tell me if you want to join.

Leather goods were of so high quality and so detailed and wonderful that it was a good thing I almost had no money.

Since it was so hot, we spent a lot of time in the shade drinking something (here coffee) and looking at people passing us by. It’s not hard to notice that Paris is a fashionable city. You don’t find many of these women back in Trondheim…

Ah, the chef’s salad and a pleasant white for lunch. I could live with that.

And now that I have seen both, a burger is a burger whether you’re in the USA or in France, but in France they ask you if you want it medium or rare…

New ballet flats. Everyone in Paris wears them. I might need more in different colours. I might also need to move away from Trondheim before I can wear any of them.

My very wonderful brother.

The travel buddies, waiting for the credit card (mom) to arrive so we could get something to eat.

The last thing we did before leaving Paris was to see the Eiffel tower. We had done nothing else that was very touristy, so this was a minimum.

The Eiffel tower and a tree.

There actually was a nice park underneath it. Behind that tree you will find the incredibly long queue to get to the top.

Oooh! Flowers!


Petter, The Rolling Stones and the Eiffel tower.

Me, new pink dress from Boston and silver sandals bought in Paris and the Eiffel tower.

And just when we were about to leave, a 2CV drove up in front of the Eiffel tower. Nothing could have been more right for this trip.

I am definitely going back to Paris. And next time I will have more money so I can bring an extra suitcase home… And you should also bring someone you like to cuddle, for it is a city for lovers.