Eating in Patong

One of the best things about Thailand was the food. I think we were both exited to taste “real” Thai food and also to experience the whole range of taste that we would find as we traveled. We almost only ate at small places along the road, and even though I got sick, I don’t blame them for my sickness. Patong is one of the biggest and oldest tourist beaches in Phuket, so we had to look for the real places, but we found them 🙂



The best one was this one. Small tables on the sidewalk, an old couple running the whole thing. The best thing about these kinds of places was that the food arrived maybe four minutes after we ordered. Every time.


This was the whole thing.




The second day we came back because the food was so good. But when we arrived they had a big party of maybe 30 people. A big family served by two people. Incredible. We had to wait for 15 minutes, and when we finally ordered they were so sorry we had to wait. But we were just fascinated by the party. Imagine taking your whole family to a kebab shop in Norway.



We also went to a very touristy place, but they did excellent bbq and had a terrible singer.



Mmmm, street food.


Don’t you love it when you get actual coconut in your crepe and nutella?

04 – Treetop zip line

Back to Thailand again. One of the things we wanted to try was treetop zip lining! There were many companies that did this outside of Chiang Mai, so we chose the one with the longest glides. We were up super early that day, which was smart because a) fewer people want to get up at 5.30 on holiday and b) it’s colder in the mornings, so you don’t die of heat stroke.

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Us being beautiful in our gear.


A short instruction.

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So this is what it looks like.

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One of our instructors.


Magnificent view.

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We also did drops and things.

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It was like a huge tree house.

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One of few couple photos from our Thailand trip. Including ridiculous outfits.

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Our other instructor.

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The last stretch was 900m long and some of the lighter people didn’t get to the end,s o they had to be “rescued”, no problem for us…


Obligatory group photo 😉

02 – first day of Chiang Mai, with people!

Here are pictures from our walk around the town. I kept forgetting to take pictures of our food (terrible blogger as I am), but here are some shorts from Chiang Mai!



I have never used those flipflops as much as I did in Thailand, excellent footwear for swallen and hot feet.



Loose shirt bought in Korea, one of my favorites.




We usually only brought water and maybe Lonely Planet while walking around, too hot to carry stuff.



Very few old cars in Thailand, guess they get eaten up by the humidity.


A traditional Thai house with untraditional decorations.



The old town city limits, what is left of it.







Under cover apple





Ant road



So a place where the inmates in the women prison do work.




And dinner that night!



My green curry with rice.



We even went our of drinks, lovely day.




01 – Bangkok

We arrived in Bangkok, Thailand at 9 in the morning, but hadn’t slept much during the flight, so we immediately went to bed. But we managed to see a little bit of Bangkok during our first day.

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These trolleys are everywhere in Thailand and the people behind them cook food for almost the whole country.

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And it tastes delicious!

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Street chess was very common


This place was slightly bigger and even had six tables. We ate at these places the whole trip.

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Everything is bought on the street, even though there is a huge mall just over the walkway.

Tilbake og sykehus

Turen vår i Thailand ble fire dager lenger enn planlagt, men nå er vi hjemme igjen. Vi hadde en deilig tur til Chiang Mai, Ko Phi Phi, Phuket, Kao Sok nasjonalpark og Bankok, men vi er fremdeles litt merket av de tre, nesten fire dagene jeg var på sykehus. Nå er det på tide å få gjort alt jeg hadde lyst til å gjøre disse fridagene!

En uke igjen!

Nå er det bare én uke til vi reiser til Thailand! De siste ukene har gått helt sinnsykt fort. Aner ikke hvor de ble av. Virkelig ikke. Men nå reiser vi snart! Vi har fikset det meste av overnatting og vet hvor vi skal være nesten alle dagene (fordi vi liker å ha planlagt før vi reiser på ferie). Reisen blir som følger:


Første døgn på hotell i Bankok for å slappe av og bli vant til landet.


Så til Chiang Mai for å oppleve Nord-Thailand, elefanter, templer, deilig mat og gammel kultur.


Så reiser vi sørover til øyparadisene.


Ko Phi Phi, verdens peneste øy, utenfor Krabi.


Phang Nga marin nasjonalpark, utenfor Phuket.


Phuket town, som var viktig for handel i Thailand lenge før turismen eksploderte.


Khao Sok nasjonalpark, det våteste stedet i Thailand og det området med eldst og størst sammenhengende regnskog i landet.

Til slutt reiser vi tilbake til Bankok for å oppleve byen og være med på Songkran: SONGKRAN-17a Songkran in Bangkok