
You would think that I am overjoyed by the fact that I have holidays now. And it’s ok, I guess. But since I won’t have time off until July 20. it doesn’t feel the same. I love that is it summer, and it is sort of exiting to be in the city (I’m always off someplace, in the mountains, by the sea, at a scout camp etc.) but it just feels like it is a long time until my shoulders will be down where they belong. This is like grown up training. Having to be inside working in the middle of June. Being alone because (almost) all my friends have left. I bet this is what it would be like when I get a job and move to a new place. I’ll just have to get used to my own company. It is an art to be able to be alone without feeling lonely.

We had wonderful weather yesterday and I decided to spend my free time in the park instead of in the lab. My iPod has a hiccup so I left for the park with only a matt, hat and book. I’m almost finished with A game of thrones (George R. R. Martin) now and have started reading Shantaram (Gregory David Roberts). I love his language and I’m looking forward to reading more of it. I’m suspecting that there will be more lazy afternoons in the park this summer.

I have made many new friends in Trondheim these last few months. And now, one of my newest friends have made a Facebook group for all of us who are staying in Trondheim this summer. So even though my plans only stretch out until Monday I might have something to do and people to meet after that as well 🙂

Currently listening to Death cab for cutie and wondering which samples to do next. My life is filled with Russian and Canadian locations, crushed moss and excel sheets that just keep growing.


Sex roles

I got this quote off this blog:

“Would the abortion debate be a different landscape if, every time two people had sex, it was a surprise who might end up pregnant?”

I don’t know if she had women’s rights, abortion laws or just philosophy in mind, but I just thought of the biological implications, the surprise part. Or rather, how it would affect parental investment. The reason why female humans are pregnant, is because already from the beginning they have more to loose. An ovule is very much larger than sperm and so from the start, a female has put much more energy into the offspring. Depending on how much care the young need, the parental investment can be large or small.

But just a few facts before I continue. Most of the animals on this earth leave their young to care for themselves. It is quite uncommon to be a parent at all. After that, most animals with a spine (just like us) live in water and of those who do look after their young, most of them are fishes and there the male cares for the young. Or maybe both, but then in equal amounts. So don’t think that female humans are pregnant just because all females are pregnant.

Because we were stupid enough to leave the water, we still need to keep out eggs wet. But when frogs keeps their eggs in the water and birds make shells to keep the water from evaporating, we just keep the eggs inside us. But what if we exchanged heritable material on the outside and the one individual in better condition was the one to be pregnant? That sounds much smarter to me. But then everybody needed to be able to make both kinds and basically be hermaphrodites (have two complete sets of reproduction apparatuses).

Over to abortion debate. I think the debate definitely would have been different if both could be pregnant and you never knew who it would be. But I don’t think it has that much to do with guys being pregnant, but rather that both sides could be. Now it is an issue because girls always get pregnant, they always end up paying the price (in time, not money necessarily). And everything is different because of it. Imagine if guys could get pregnant if raped. Or that the rapist (no matter the sex) could get pregnant? Right now it is impossible to separate the effects of being pregnant and the effects of being a girl on your life (just hear statistics talking here), so it would revolutionize our legal system, parent’s rights to their children and everything.

Now you just think about that for a moment.


Jeg er jo over middels speidernerd og med mitt nye verv i Komité Speiding i Norges Speiderforbund, så får jeg ikke bare med meg mesteparten av det som skjer i speider-Norge, jeg får egentlig med meg alt. Jeg følger også med på hovedsamarbeidspartnerene våre (vi har flere) og en av dem er Stormberg. Det kule med samarbeidet med Stormberg er egentlig at de ikke samarbeider med NSF fordi vi er mye ute i skogen og er på tur, men fordi de liker formålsparagrafen vår.

“Norges speiderforbunds formål er å utvikle mennesker til selvstendighet og til å ta aktivt ansvar i samfunnet i samsvar med idealene fra speiderløftet og speiderloven.”

Det har faktisk ikke noe med friluftsliv å gjøre. I Speiderloven og i speidermetoden så er friluftsliv sentralt, men egentlig skal vi lage selvstendige og ansvarsbevisste mennesker. Det er vel derfor jeg fremdeles er med i speideren, fordi man “lager” bra mennesker.

Men altså, Stormberg. Steinar J. Olsen, sjef og gründer i Stormberg, har skrevet en bok, Stormberger, som kom ut i våres.

Etter å ha lest noen anmeldelser så kjenner jeg at jeg gjerne skulle lest denne boka. Jeg får se om jeg kan finne den noe sted. Og så kjenner jeg en gründer eller to som kanskje også kunne hatt godt av å lese denne boka. Kanskje noen sivilingeniører også? Jeg tror at det er mulig å gjøre en slik innsats i samfundet som Stormberg gjør. Ved å være åpne om produksjonen i Kina, jobbe med levelønn i Kina, ansette folk med gode evner og dårlig rykte og en del initiativ de har tatt på resirkulering av klær og annet så har de startet en helt ny type bedrift. Jeg liker at de bryr seg. Jeg liker at de ikke bare gir penger til barna i Afrika som alle andre, men at de både tar ansvar i Norge og i andre deler av verden.

Noe av det jeg synes vi har mest forbedringspotensiale på i Norges Speiderforbund og i speidingen i Norge er nettopp å ta samfunnsansvar i Norge. Ikke bare samle inn penger til Afrika (og andre steder), men tørre å ta tak i problemområder i Norge. Det er litt vanskeligere å finne noen som trenger deg og å finne ut hva du kan gjøre (for det sitter ikke underernærte barn på gata og trenger vann og medisiner), men vi vet alle at Norge er ikke perfekt. Det er mange ensomme mennesker i Norge. Det er mange som ikke har noen. Det er mange barn i Norge som lever i fattigdom. Eller med omsorgsvikt. Det er mange grupper som kunne trengt en ressurssterk person som et fast holdepunkt i et ellers turbulent liv.

Jeg mener det er viktig å være med på noe som er større enn seg selv. Både for å føle at man bidrar, for å vite at noen har det bedre på grunn av deg og for å utfordre seg selv og aldri glemme hvor godt man har det. Men kanskje også for å se at det er lov til å be om hjelp og at det er lov til å få trøst.


Se hva jeg fikk igår! Jeg er en sånn som aldri har hatt en yndlingsfarge, yndlingsrett eller noe annet slikt, men etter å ha sittet unaturlig mye på flybusser og annen sånt og sett på hav av hvitveis fant jeg ut at hvitveis egentlig er yndlingsblomsten min. Jeg er veldig glad i blomster, men får blomster veldig sjelden, men sånn er det jo med mange. Men igår så fikk jeg en stor bukett med hvitveis da jeg kom på middag 🙂

Tusen takk!

Det er noe helt spesielt med hvitveis (eller kvitsymre som den også heter). Den er vår og varmt og solskinn og blomstereng. <3


I have loads of butterflies in my stomach. There are so many things that I am looking forward to this weekend that I almost can’t concentrate. I have this constant happy grin on my face 🙂

BTW: I have handed in my camera, so all pictures will be lent from others for a while. I will try to make others take pictures so I get some of them out here.

Dining alone

I’m not really afraid of being on my own. I prefer traveling alone for instance. And I need a dinner or two a week alone, just to have some peace and quiet. I have this discussion with a friend about drinking alone. He thinks that to drink alone is something only alcoholics do, and therefore that others shouldn’t. My philosophy is that when you are single, live alone and like to drink alcohol for it’s own sake (not to get drunk, but because it tastes good), then you have to drink alone every now and then.

To drink or eat alone is seen as something you don’t do, mostly because it is a social thing and doing it alone usually implies that you don’t have anyone to do it with. Many I know have never gone to a café alone. They have never sat alone at a bar. Many who travel for business travel alone, but they usually have a computer or book to hide behind. And if you’re just having a coffee then a book counts as “someone”.

The next step is to do the same, just without the book. No excuse. You’re just you, all alone. Yesterday I went to a restaurant all alone. I had no book or computer. I had my iPod, but that was just because it was noisy and I didn’t want a part in the next table’s conversation. The funny thing is that I didn’t feel alone at all. I managed to just send one text and other than that I just sat there. Looked at the people around me and contemplated my life.

Maybe this works for me because I’m so seldom alone. I have meetings, dinner dates and trips all the time. For almost two weeks this easter I shared a room with 7 other girls and we were 80 people in the dining hall. This weekend we were 20 people at the cabin trip and for the next week I won’t have dinner alone a single time. So every time I’m actually alone with my dinner I treasure the feeling.

What do you think when you see someone alone at a restaurant? Or at a café? Have you ever dared do it yourself? Would you ever travel alone? My father has told me about once when he was 16 he went hiking in the mountains all alone with a tent for a week. Ever since he told me I have wished to do the same. I haven’t done it yet, but that’s only because I have so many people to see that I haven’t had a whole week to myself yet. I couldn’t be alone forever, I’d have to know that I could share my experiences when I come back home. Or that I’d meet someone while traveling, but I like to do the actual trip alone. To be just me.