Minner om en perfekt AirBnB

For noen år siden var jeg i Norwich på kurs og da bodde jeg i et nydelig hus gjennom AirBnB.


Vi skulle henge på TGAC, et campus litt utenfor Norwich sentrum og mens hotellet arrangeørene hadde foreslått lå nære campus, så lå det også langt fra alle steder man kunne spise og drikke. Så jeg fant et sted på AirBnB som lå rett ved en direktebuss og midt i gamlebyen, mye morsommere!


Huset jeg hadde valgt var et gammel bindingsverkhus, det så ikke ut som det var mer enn fem meter bredt og det hadde ikke en eneste rett vinkel. Men så var det også utrolig fint, til og med badet hadde et veldig fint dørhåndtak.


Døra til rommet mitt var ekstra smal. Noen ganger er det praktisk å være 160 cm høy…


Han som eide huset var også litt av en skrotnisse, ikke overraskende, så de allerede trange gangene på min AirBnB var også helt fulle av ting.


Det var smake trapper i rød fløyel.


Og pene speil, pynteplanter og telefoner på pidestaller. Det er som det huset vi bodde i gjennom WarmShowers i Skottland for noen år siden. Eksotisk og vakkert, men for fult og trangt til at du kan bo der til vanlig.


Men sånn er det kanskje når man er oppvokst i Norge med store hus og god plass både inne og ute. Sånn sett er AirBnB en god måte å få prøvd ut å bo på mange forskjellige måter, i gamle hus, midt i sentrum, midt i skogen eller på stranda. Jeg liker det i hvert fall veldig godt.

Til sommeren er det 6 år siden jeg prøvde AirBnB for første gang og vi bruker det fremdeles hvert år. Jeg har også brukt det mye når jeg har vært på kurs eller konferanser og skulle bo en uke et sted og lage min egen mat. Praktisk og billig! Så får jeg se om jeg kommer tilbake til Norwich noen gang…

English: a couple of years ago I spent a week in Norwich and stayed at this really nice place I found through AirBnB.


Travelling alone

When I travel alone, I usually use my camera, food and a Kindle as my main defense against feeling alone and bored. Here is a good example from one evening in Norwich last autumn, when I had spare time, but nothing I wanted to do in the evenings.


A trip to a chippy (fish and chips shop).


Very busy, very nice art, really good chips.

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Then found a pub and had a couple of pints while I read Terry Pratchett.


Nice details. I take more pictures of these things now that I actually need to buy such things myself.

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Had a cocktail because I felt like it.



Then tried out the waffle place I had passed a couple of times on my way home. Chose waffle with chocolate mousse and a pot of tea.




I think I finished the entire book that evening….

Local campus beer in Norwich

From my last night in Norwich, we went for a couple of pints of the campus beer with the participants that worked at TGAC and the uni. There they have a pub on campus and this Friday was quiz  night.


We bought pints to prepare ourselves.


Read up on the local campus brewery.


We had the local brew, which was actually brewed for the John Innes Centre where the TGAC is, isn’t that cool?! Campus beer!


New friends and old colleagues having a pint on a Friday night. So nice.


I wish we had a place on campus where we could have a pint as well.


“Strong hoppy mixture, ideal for propagating discourse and contains elements essential for the vigorous growth of friendship.” That is the way we all like it. And the labels look so professional, don’t you think?


Here you can see “the vigorous growth of friendship” 🙂 The evening ended after a nice meal and some more beers. A good way to end a really good week of bioinformatics course.


How do you like to spend your Friday evenings? Would you like a campus beer? Or do you wish for something else? Maybe I am the only one, for there seems to be nothing happening in Ås at least.

Norwich – the touristy bit

I was in Norwich about a month ago to do a one week course in python for biologists. It’s good to have a camera and a kindle close when you are alone for a week and I thought I’d show you the touristy part of my week.


This was “my” street.


The catholic cathedral I passed every day on my way to the bus stop. The old part of Norwich was so pretty.



Norwich had an incredible number of churches, this one was just around the corner and apparently getting a touch up.


The house opposite. I often almost got lost during the week, but I always recognized this house and then I knew I was close.



So many nice independent shops and places in the old houses. So pretty!


And there was a 2CV parked outside my house one day 😀 That makes me happy.


There were just so many pretty houses in Norwich.


And nice, old pubs where you could get a half pint and some peace and quiet.





But still there was street art, really good street art.



The Library bar, where we had a dinner together the Wednesday. It is the old public library that is turned into a bar and restaurant, I hope the new libarary is nice.


The old market square looked pretty even in the evening when everything was closed. It might be strange pfotographing things that are closed, but I was busy all day with the course and it was nice having the camera for company when I walked alone in the evenings.


The old part of Norwich was well worth roaming and it was quite small, so easy to navigate and get around. I highly recommend going there just for the architecture and for good food.

I will show you food and people later 🙂