Julaften 2013

Som seg hør og bør, så foreldrene mine kan søke opp bildene fra jula 2013 når de skal lage kalender for 2015, her er bilder fra julemiddagen 2013. Carpaccio til forrett, torsk med beiken og nammenam tilhovedrett og sherrypudding til dessert.

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Vi er ikke store forsamlingen, men god mat det har vi!


Inget juletre hos foreldrene i år, så julebildet er tatt foran juleagaven. Den passer også godt på alle julegavene.

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Pappa har fått iPad av jobben og jeg som jo nå er iPadekspert *host* fikk ansvar for å gjøre den brukelig.


Bror ogjeg spilte Smallworkd på min iPad.

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One night in Trondheim


My first night in Trondheim, I almost lost my flight, but caught the concert of Knauskoret. After the concert, we got food at Lyche.





It was late, so we got the burger (best buy in town) and they were delicious as always.



We found our friends and chatted and had countless beers the rest of the evening.



Us, being classy and adventurous at the same time.



Erik and all his medals.






I love partying with people in gala.




Christmasy weekend

We went to the concert of Chrous Felix (my parent’s choir) on Thursday.

The Christmas tree at work, taken on my way home from the Christmas party on Friday. Our food was terribly late because of an accident on the motorway so I had to leave “early” to catch the train, but I had a ton of fun.

Everything that was made yesterday when we had a big Christmas baking event at home. I am very happy about the number of different things we made and all the fantastic people who were here.

This has been such a good weekend. Party at work on Friday, baking with friends and family, nice dinner with Erik and house warming party with friends on Saturday. Today we had breakfast with Pia, saw The Nutcracker at the Opera and spent the evening with Ruben who is back on holiday from Texas.


Today is the first Christmas party of two, this season. I guess it’s the universe making up for zero Christmas parties in 2012. Today is the party for the whole of UMB and I will use it as an excuse to have free dinner, but not much more.

I therefore post pictures from our night with soju in Korea.


With the soju came cabbage and pasta free of charge. Strange Koreans.

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We only found one decent beer:




Soju (Hangul 소주; Hanja 燒酒) is a distilled beverage native to Korea. Jinro and Lotte soju are the first and third top selling alcohol brands in the world.[1] It is usually consumed neat.

Most brands of soju are made in South Korea. It is traditionally made from ricewheatbarley, but modern producers of soju use supplements or even replace rice with other starches, such as potatoessweet potatoes, or tapioca.



These are the only two pictures I took all weekend.


Friday we did some last minute building and finally moved the rest of the tools and paint down in the basement. Then we had champagne with my parents in my glasses that I inherited from my grandmother.

Saturday we cleaned the entire apartment for the first time. We actually scrubbed the floors, removed the black stains and rearranged the furniture. We even managed to buy food before the first guests arrived 🙂 the party was a great success! Lots of people (more than enough space for 40 people), cake, salmon rolls, cocktails, champagne, cool people and colours 🙂 the last guests left at 5 in the morning, so Sunday was mostly spent in bed.

But we went out for brunch at Grunerløkka and then we had pai (don’t try the cake, only the pai) at The Nighthawk Diner. We walked through the market stalls, but didn’t find anything and then went home to clean the apartment again. Surprisingly it takes a lot of time to clean a bit apartment. I tink we will hire a cleaner, so we don’t have to clean all the time.

We are now “finished” remodelling the apartment. We have solved the biggest problems and will continue to fix things in a slower pace. We both need more spare time now and to do other things. We have a new to do-list of everything that is left and we will do a couple a week, but not four days a week. And we will start working on how the aparment should actually look like, furniture and things.

Social life!

You know what? This weekend I was social all three evenings. Don’t think I have had so much spare time in months. I know I haven’t, actually.

Friday we had dinner with Ruben at his parent’s place in Oslo, where he is staying while waiting for a VISA for USA. We had wild salmon! And afterwords we went to Kråka (the Crowbar), a really good brew pub. They only have beer, and it is all on tap. Great place.

Saturday we drove to Fredrik and Karianne in Jessheim to barbeque. It was actually my first barbeque this summer… Tells you a lot about my life this summer I guess. But yeah, we barbequed, talked, discussed travelling, work, houses and Trondheim. UKA is in a few weeks and Erik and Fredrik will be going a couple of times. I miss Trondheim a bit.

Sunday Erik’s aunt ha a birthday barbeque with more than enough rosé on their terrace. It was nice to see his whole family after the summer and hear what they all have been doing.

Helges hus!

Vi hadde en veldig hyggelig kveld på innflytningsfest i Helges nye hus, eller småbruk som det jo er.


Vi prater rundt rabarbraen.


Bille på rabarbrablomst.


Uthuset som skal bli brygghus.


Vedfyrt bakerovn som jeg gleder meg til å bruke.


Låve ved vannet.


Langveisfrabesøk og rabarbra.


Sjøen som skal få båt.


Skigarden har ikke vart evig.


Verdens kjekkeste mann.


Veldig bra grillmat. Helge har alt på stell.

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Til og med Ægirglass til Rallaren min.

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Huset som blir fullstendig omgjort inni.


Week 21

I realise I didn’t really blog last week. But let me tell you, it was a crazy week. Tuesday it was our 2 year anniversary and we shared a bottle of wine over a homecooked meal and talked about life. Then the crazy started. Wednesday we packed all the gear we needed for the canoe trip and I cut my hair (finally!).

Thursday I went straight to Bekkestua, I picked up things I needed for the trip, my bunad and some of mom’s clothes from 20 years ago (3 new trousers, yay!). Then we went and got Dolly (my car) out of winter storage and I stopped by Alexander’s place to say hello. He was here over the weekend to see friends and family, very nice to see him 🙂 When I got home we organised all the food for the trip (two dinners ++ for 25 people) that Erik had bought, tidied the apartment and made it ready for our 17th of May breakfast.

Friday the guests started arriving at 8 and we had a magnificent breakfast, some lovely sparkling wine and lots of laughs. We went to the city centre to see the parade, almost drowned in a shower of rain, lunched with Erik’s family, listened to Den Norske Studentersangforening (including my dad) sing outside the Aula, then had icecream with my parents. We went to Sofienbergparken to hang with our friends for a while, but had to leave early because we had to go home and pack. It was super hot and wonderful weather and we looked lovely in our bunads. The rest of the evening we packed everything we needed for the trip, my parents delivered my kayak and we tried to get to bed early.

Saturday we were up 6.30 to transport everything to the scout house, get the big car Erik was to drive, meet the scouts and be on our way. All 25 left at 8.20 and were at Fjorda (Oppland) about two hours later. We taught the kids how to master the canoe, found a good camping spot and set up camp. Everyone loved the salmon for dinner and it was too warm to wear a woolen jumper around the camp fire.

Sunday they did a round of orienteering on the lake, doing tasks along the way. Erik and I were responsible for the food stop. We spent much of the day sitting in the sun watching the scouts make food. In the evening they all just swam and played because the weather was so nice.

Monday we did small things, cleaned up the camp area and canoed back to the cars. We were back by 18.00 and Erik and I were home, kayak and car delivered by 19.30. We managed to unpack and get everything up in the attic before we went to bed, super tired. What a weekend.

So now there’s this week. It looks to be a busy one as well, but at least I will be home this weekend.

  • Today we are wondering if we should go to Tusenfryd. We get discounted tickets today, but the weather forecast is a bit grey and I am a bit tired after this weekend. I think we will go.
  • Wednesday we have to go back to the scout house to pack all the tents that have been drying since Monday.
  • Thursday we have our monthly meeting in the programme committee and this time we have a new member with us 🙂
  • Friday I have my final exam in my R course here at UMB and I really hope I pass (there’s only pass/fail).
  • We have no plans for the whole weekend, but my grandfather is coming to town, so I hope to see him. And we need some quiet time to start thinking about the apartment. It’s time to find a date to come see it to measure the kitchen and look at the walls. We have to start plan the layout of the kitchen too and pack all our things (again). Maybe we’ll see some friends even…

Stampøbb, del 2

Ettersom jeg har hatt en ny helg i Oslo, så har jeg nye anmeldelser av mulige stamsteder i Oslo. Som jeg tidligere har blogget om, så ønsker jeg meg et nytt stamsted, nå som jeg har flyttet til en ny by. Det er mange ting som kreves (transport, trivsel, matservering, ølutvalg, åpningstider), men man finner ingenting om man ikke leter.

  • Schrøder, St. Hanshaugen: mer restaurant enn pøbb, var der en søndag og spiste middag.  Veldig rimelig dagens middag, deilig mat, ikke prøvd ølutvalg. Blandet klientell, men koselig og helt klart mulig å være der en hel dag. Må testes ordentlig senere.
  • Crowbar (kråka), sentrum/Youngstorget: mikrobryggeri, med noe matservering (veldig godt hjemmelaget potetgull!), både eget brygg og andres brygg, alt på tapp. Svært godt utvalg, men kun øl. Koselig sted, fint både for små og store grupper. Denne har kommet langt opp på lista.
  • Bushwick, sentrum/Youngstorget: i kjelleren til Rockefeller, lite lokale, men fint, passe godt utvalg flaskeøl og veldig flinke på drinker. Kul DJ, meningen mat. Bedre sent på kvelden og om man vil danse litt.

Jakten fortsetter!

Erik got a year older too

It was a really good dinner and a nice evening with gifts and friends when we celebrated Erik’s birthday one week in advance. So, as always, in reverse order: DSC_1108

Gin and tonic


K-pop in the background


Our pretty champagne glasses

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And wine/beer glasses


One of Erik’s presents, a crayon for his telephone


My outfit for the evening. It was terribly hot in our appartment because of the sunny day and the three hours the steak needed in the oven. Loose summer dress, new red earrings, Ruby Woo lipstick and some dramatic



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The making of coffee. Our kitchen only takes two and a half.


Birthday dinner! Steak, chick pea salad, Greek salad and roastes potatoes and sweet potatoes. Yum.




De hadde litt forskjellig utvalg, men bartenderne var så travle med matservering, at de ikke hadde mye tid til å prate.

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Har nye, røde øredobber jeg har fått av Erik


Pene folk

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Jeg fikk telefon til å plugge i telefonen min 🙂

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Dat smile



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Det var så mange folk som kom! Jeg er kjempeglad for at så mange hadde tid til å komme å drikke øl med meg.

Stampøbb, del 1

Etter fem år i Trondheim endte jeg opp med noen stamsteder. Noen steder der man kunne dra for å spise, ta en øl eller ta en fest. Jeg hadde vel i hovedsak tre steder, Samfundet som en klar nummer en, Antikvariatet på en sterk nummer to og Baklandets Skydsstasjon som nummer tre. De er alle koselige steder man fint kan ta en kaffe på ettermiddagen, spise middag, ta en øl før man skal videre eller tilbringe hele fredag kveld. Etter å ha kommet litt inn i tralten i Oslo kjente jeg at jeg gjerne skulle hatt det samme her. Jeg spurte venner og kjente som har bodd her en stund, men det var egentlig ingen som allerede hadde en stampøbb (greit, jeg spriver vanligvis pub, men jeg er litt vanskelig nå bare fordi jeg kan).

For å virkelig lykkes i jakten på noe som skal være perfekt og for å komme i havn med et prosjekt, er det viktig at man jobber målstyrt og at man er bevisst på egne forventninger. Her er derfor noen kriterier på et godt stamsted for meg.

  1. det må være greit å komme til. Det betyr altså både på vei hjem fra jobb og hjemmefra. Det må spesielt være greit å komme seg hjem derfra sent på natt.
  2. det må være hyggelig. Ikke supertrendy eller fænsi, men hyggelig. Man skal trives der. Dette betyr at det må være et litt krokete (altså rom med mange kroker i) lokale og behagelige ting å sitte i.
  3. de må ha noe mat. Ellers er det umulig å være der lenge. Gidder ikke dø av sult.
  4. de må også ha et passe godt utvalgt av drikke, helst øl. Mye morsomt øl er aller best, men annet kan også gå bra. Det er uansett helt nødvendig med mer enn pils.
  5. åpningstidene må være slik at de åpner tidlig nok for et ettermiddagsbesøk og sent nok til at man ikke blir kastet ut før det faktisk er natt. Dvs 15-01 er passe, helst hele uka gjennom.

Som dere skjønner kreves det mye av et godt stamsted. Vi har forsiktig begynt jakten (er grenser for hvor fort det kan gå når vi bare er i byen annenhver helg).

Resultatliste hittil:

  • Sagene Lunchbar, Sagene: egentlig en god kandidat, ettersom den er nære der vi bor, serverer mat og er hyggelig. Dessverre er det dårlig med ølutvalg og lokalet er altfor fullt med bord, så det er ikke så koselig og man orker ikke pils hele kvelden.
  • Colonel Mustard, Alexander Kiellands plass: Godt utvalg i øl og praktisk rett ved 54-bussen. Det er også spill i hyllene, så helt klart lagt opp til at man kan være der lenge, selv om det ikke var så mange kroker. Dessverre er musikknivået veldig høyt, så det er mer “klubb” enn et sted man kan prate hele kvelden. Dessuten kastet de oss veldig bryskt ut, da vi var der. Hadde nøtter, men husker ikke om de hadde mer mat.
  • Tekehtopa, St. Olavs plass: Litt dårlig ølutvalg, ganske koselig og mer krokete enn de to over. De serverer også mat og har et bra kjøkken. Egentlig en god kandidat for stampøbb, bør testes igjen.

Noen forslag vi ikke har testet ut ennå er Trikkestallen på Torshov, Schröder på St. Hanshaugen og Lorry og Henriken i Hedgehaugsveien. Har du flere forslag? Kom med dem!

Fortsettelse følger…

Charity party

A couple of years ago the student scout group (TSSG) had a problem paying for their obigations to Redd barna (Save the children). It had been based on the return of bottles (pant), but people weren’t drinking enough (emagine that). Then I suggested that we could have a charity party in stead, to “force” people to drink and get incom from cover charge. It was an instant success and they are still doing it 🙂 And lucky for me, this years’ party was the weekend we went to Trondheim.

So here are the best pictures I have from the evening. These are also the only pictures that I took the whole weekend (except some on Erik’s phone).


Waiting for the bus, perfect nostalgic Trondheim weather (that is, icy as hell, wet and rainy)


Red is the right way


The hostess




Anne was doing monochrome. She also let us sleep in her house the whole weekend. Thanks!


I wore my Beate-dress (inherited from Beate). Erik loves the neckline… Oh, and Eystein has just started working on his masters thesis on how countries use weapon trade a tool in governing the economic balance in the world. Very exciting!


You can see how interested I am.


Priska is turning Norwegian (and has started doing a PhD, I heard rumers at least)




Do you give to charity?

Fransk aften

(French evening)

The 2CV club had its annual general assembly and then a grand dinner. This year it was inspired by the Gassian cuisine, that is food from Madagaskar.

I mostly took pictures of the food (and forgot to get an outfit pic), but here you go.


Warm welcome drink


All the cards were in the pattern of the owner of the car. They had all the different red colours you find in 2CVs too. Cool people.


The salmon and shellfish mousse. With cold herbal sause. It was heaven.


I loved the table decorations, especially this giraffe.


Traditional Gassian party food, two-meat casserole and tomato salad. Oh, and there was genuine piri-piri straight from Madagascar. Hot!




Mmmm, chevre in red currant sause. These people had style (there are always members of the club who make the food).


One of the chefs, introducing a dish.


Happy people


This is Ingrid who has drawn the pictures of owls that Erik and I got from my parents.


The fruits had been marinated in vanilla and the whole dish was just incredible. Simple and  savvy.


I wasn’t the only one who took pictures of my food.


It was a great evening, I talked about cars, food and everything that is happening in the world. I had too mutch wine, we had a quiz, a marzipan model contest and learned a lot about Madagarcar.

How to do your birthday

I am turning 25 in a little over a week, and I have to admit I haven’t thought mutch about it. As you might remember, Erik and I had a big party last year, but this year I’m not sure if I want to do anything special. In January we celebrated our friend Åse’s birthday with home made tapas and a “quiet” party, or maybe I should call it low key? I did take some pictures of the evening.

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Chocolate and raspberry is one of my favourite compbinations

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This isn’t that bad either 😉


Åse has the coolest poster, her mother competed in the Olympics in 1984.

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We brought falafel


Love the shirt!

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Even the sewing machine was in party mode

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Look at this!

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My plate, a delicious meal

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My outfit for the evening. This skirt is a life saver, in every outfit crisis, and I really liked the brooch I got from my grandmother (yes, it’s fur). And I need more white shirts, they are so versatile.

New years’ eve!

New Years Eve!

Finally! (and in reverse order, but I can’t be bothered to change it)


Yes, we are the cutest couple on the planet.

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Fredrik and Karianne are at least top ten 😉

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I love our wine glasses from Hadeland




Nothing beats Christmas beer

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Tone and her mustache


The fondue pot

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Pia gave a speech


There was port



And champagne, at least Cremant de Bourgogne, witch is the second best thing 😉