
Tonight is the big night! Erik’s and my birthday party. We have friends flying in from Oslo (and Sogndal and Edinburg) just to party with us. We have found a special location for the night, we have baloons, food, conversations starters and champagne (at least good bubbly) and the goal is to party the whole night through. Hopefully someone will take pictures so we have something to remember… Can’t wait!

This is just the best weekend. Talk to you later 😉

Still early

So it is still early in the week, so I thought I might write a couple of words on what happened this weekend. Friday we went to a Charity party arranged by TSSG, the student scout group. I only took pictures with my phone, and few were any good, but I’ll put some of them up shortly. Especially Erik’s outfit pic. He looked lovely.

Even though we left early, Saturday started late and was generally calm. Since I had finished the week at the office in style, I did absolutely nothing without a thread of guilt, for the first time in a long while. Lovely. In the evening we were invited to Pia to have dinner. She made us the most delicious meal (pictures later when I find an easy way to get pictures phone -> computer), we had wine and went to the Jaga Jazzist consert at Samfundet. It is definitely jazz and very modern, so much time at the consert was spent not understanding very much. But it was very nice, anyhow.

Sunday as the best day of the weekend. We mangaed to clean the whole house before Stian came for brunch. We had eggs, bacon, freshly baked bread and so much spread it was impossible to eat it all. I always say that it is a good breakfast when you have more than three glasses or more 🙂 Then we went climbing for a couple of hours. It was wonderful to climb again. I hope we manage to get Amund and Anne out to play more regurlarly 😉 The rest of the evening was spent on the sofa. We had dinner, watched “The king’s speech” and just had fun.

So you can see, best weekend in a long while.

Backstage tech

After one year at Studentersamfundet I know quite a bit of people working backstage (I have had to deal with on-stagers myself too) and I just wanted to post this one for them. I like knowing the people who do the work and to know how much work that goes into it. Smile to the next tech you encounter 😉

A day in the office

Since Monday was spent in Oslo, this Saturday is spent at the office. Today I’m reading articles and slowly starting to write my introduction. Today’s goal is to get something to my professor at the end of the day. And them I’m going to a party to celebrate New Years all over again. So champagne and a nice dress will be the course of the evening 🙂

Maybe I’ll even manage an outfit pic? Time will tell. Happy weekend!

Wish list

Since all the peope I know already have bought me something for Christmas (dad being the only one asking me what I wanted for Christmas), I thought I could put my list out here. Just so you see what kind of person I am.

– new running shoes

– fancy cross country skis and new boots

– (smart) phone

– MacBook Air

– trip at a museum with a trip to a coffee shop afterwards

I realize tha tmy ski fancies follows my boyfriends and I wonder if this is my “egg” from Running Bride. But I think this will be a better investment. New phone and new computer is a definite must and I will have to buy it myself soon. I think that is how you realise that you are grown up – you could just buy everything yourself.

Oh, well, I still have three more days to wonder what I’ll get for Chistmas. I think I’m already at eight year old-level.

Winter shoes…

Ah, I loved the shoes, I loved the colours, I loved the pants and the skirt, I loved that they can still walk around like this even though it is November. I desperately need to spend a winter of my life in a place where I can dress like this. You have no idea how wonderful it is.

PS: my parents are visiting this weekend, so now I give myself over to good company, wonderful food and sightseeing. Pre-Christmas holidays.

Friends, beer and food

One of my best friends is visiting from Oslo this weekend and we are doing Trondheim. Friday we played Settlers (a board game), ate carrot cake and drank port. It was a lovely night. I haven’t played Settlers in many years and it was great fun! Good friends and a quiet night is good for the soul. Before playing, Erik had gotten an invitation to a free three course dinner at Samfundet (it originally also included tickets to the show, but we decided three times was too much), so we had carpaccio of scallops, reindeer and panacotta for dinner that day…

Yesterday we went to see the show (revyen) again. This weekend is G-helg, which means that all the old students in Trondheim are invited to come to UKA. That means a lot of grey hair and many big spenders. Samfundet changed completely and there were almost no-one under 30 in the whole house before 24.00. But we had beer, ate hamburgers for dinner in our long dresses and ended up partying the whole night away.

Today I was pushed all the way up to Teisendammen (it’s quite a climb) by my boyfriend. He has decided that he wants to go skiing with me this winter, and to be able to keep up with him I need to do something with my running pace. So today he (almost walked) ran with me up all the hills and then down again. I’m also trying to learn how to get out to run, even though I have been partying the whole nigh away. It’s all in the head, I believe.

In half an hour I will be going out again. This time I’m going to Frati with the rest of the leaders in student politics in Trondheim. SiT is giving us a three course dinner and time to get to know each other better tonight. Looking forward to it!

I’ll be working three nights at Samfundet next week and I’ll be going to the David Guetta concert. So I think all free nights (especially Friday) will be spent at the office. 15th of May is getting ever closer…

What a day!

Today has been a really good day and it’s not even over yet. I started out a little late (but I do almost every day), but managed to do the last minute changes I needed before the meeting with my supervisors. My degree it definitely moving in the right direction right now. I now how tons of small tasks (which is a lot better than one big one, believe me) that I have to do the next two weeks, before we have our next meeting. I am really excited about what I might find out. And also, about this actually being good enough to publish a real peer reviewed article someplace.

After my meeting I went to Trøndelag teater and got food and looked/listened to their presentation of the programme for 2012. There are so many exciting things happening next year! I will blog more about it later (I actually took notes during the presentation), but it was so nice. Actors and TV and press people, old people and all those other people who hang around at theaters.

And then Peter and Rosemary Grant visited NTNU today. They are biology rock stars, to tell you the truth. Their work on Darwin’s finches since the 70′ is just outstanding. It was such a cool presentation and I think we were all so envious of their data set and their luck with finding a wonderful organism to work with.

I met a good friend I haven’t seen in ages and it was really nice to talk to him again. Hope it is not as long till next time.

I have even gotten two hours of Ingeborg time alone at home today, which is quite rare. But soon my guests will arrive and then cocktail party 2 of the autumn 2011 will start. A good thing about these cocktail parties is that I have to clean my room before everyone arrives, and now the parties are so close that my room almost stays clean all the time…


Jeg vet det er mye utropstegn her for tiden, men jeg er veldig glad hele tiden og det er så mye bra som skjer for tida at det er vanskelig å unngå. Bare erstatt utropstegnet med et smil, så blir det akkurat som å prate med meg 🙂 Men altså, billetter. UKA er på vei og pengene mine holder på å forsvinne (direkte negativ lineær sammenheng der). UKA-lista mi hittil ser slik ut:

Uka før UKA

– Prøvemiddag med UKA på Edgar

Første uke av UKA

– Promenadekonsert og avduking av ukenavnet

– Champagnevors med Regi og urpremieren til ukerevyen

– Rigging av Kanuskoretkonsert og Knauskoretkonsert

– Premieren til Nattforestillingen

Andre uke av UKA

– Robyn og John Olav Nilsen og gjengen i Dødens dal

– Tone kommer på besøk og ingen vet hva vi kan ende opp med å gjøre da, kanskje en runde til med revy.

Tredje uke av UKA

– David Guetta i Dødens dal

Som dere ser er jeg en konsertUKEperson og ikke så veldig fan av temafester og kurs og slikt. Jeg skal prøve å få med meg resten av korkonsertene og kanskje flere av teaterforestillingene. Jeg skal jobbe for UKA gjennom ARK, så jeg henger nok en del på huset i ukene som kommer… Dessuten ser jeg nok UKEbandene og flere av småartistene som er booket. Jeg har hørt at det er mye spennende smått på plakaten, men siden jeg ikke er en ukjent-musikk-kjenner så håper jeg at noen viser meg veien til de bra konsertene 🙂

Jeg gleder meg til oktober!

Cocktails! Tromsø?

Last night was cocktail night at my place. I like to invite 3-4 people, mix drinks and talk about life. It is a wonderful way of spending some quality time with my friends and to introduce them to each other. No pictures were taken, unfortunately, but there were cosmopolitans, something that ended up as Tequila sunrise and something that consisted of frozen raspberries, Kahlua, dark rum and gin. It actually turned out really good. It was a good night, but since I am going to Tromsø now the next cocktail night is still a long way off 🙁

Tomorrow I am going to Tromsø for 9 days to do a course in phylogeography at the University of Tromsø. I am very exited about the trip, but don’t really know what we’ll do there. So fingers crossed! I’ll be gone for almost two weeks and stop by a scout event close to Oslo on my way back, so I have a lot to pack today. I need everything from city wear, books and articles and warm clothes for outdoor living.

When I get back to Trondheim UKA is only a week off! I really can’t wait to spend four whole weeks in Trondheim. In a row! 🙂 It will be the best October ever, just you wait 🙂

I have tons of pictures to post, just not the time. I’ll try to get some of the pretty ones out this week. Who knows, maybe I’ll have free time in Tromsø…


Am back in Trondheim.

Have started working with my thesis again.

Have been to the first (second) workout of the semester and am aching all over.

Have bought new curatins at IKEA.

Am reading the illustrated version of The Hobbit aloud with Erik. 

Am picking blueberries and mushrooms everywhere I go.

Am almost finished with the pictures from France.

Am making lists like a champ.

Will be going to Tromsø in less than two weeks and am reading articles like crazy.

Will have 16 days in Trondheim in September.

Is high on love and sunshine.

Have more champagne and port than I am able to drink in a night.

Will be working at Samfundet tonight and go to a scout trip tomorrow morning.

Canooing FTW.


My social life is looking up and it even includes new and exiting people, so I’m all smiles 🙂 So tonight will be BrukBar and more of these:

And also, I found out that to repair my old camera would cost me more than to buy a new one, so now I’m hunting for a new one. Think I will upgrade and buy a good camera and a macro lens. So soon you will be swamped with landscape, people and tiny flowers and things. I just need to find out what camera to buy, where to buy it and what lens to get… Oh, the choices.


A friend of mine turns 25 tomorrow and she threw a little party yesterday. I wore my new, white summer dress, but as I have no camera for real pose pics, this is all you get

White dress, gold necklace and earrings, my usual gold coloured watch with brown leather wrist band and dark brown heels.

Desperately need more summer dresses. Just this time and money problem. Gah.


Dagene går unna og selv om jeg hadde sett for meg at det kom til å bli et stille liv med mye kontorarbeid, er det fremdeles bare middels stille (selv om jeg hadde rett når det kom til arbeidet). I forrige uke spiste jeg dagens treretter på Emilies for 280kr (anbefales! Men man må starte måltidet mellom 16 og 18), fikk middag og tursekktips hos Camilla på torsdag og hadde EiT-gruppa mi på middag på fredag. Jeg lagde kjøttkaker med hvitløk, timian og fylt med ost, hadde fersk tagliatelle og hjemmelaget tomatsaus. Og så stekte vi asparges rullet i bacon til. Deilig!

Denne uka ser ikke dårligere ut 🙂 Idag har Velferdstinget sommerfest og det blir tapas og kos. Imorgen er det fest med biologifolket (jeg har ikke sett dem på evigheter, isolert som jeg er her nede i sentrum), torsdag tror jeg jeg må bli hjemme, men jeg har et skypemøte om roverleir 2012 som blir spennende og så blir det avskjedsgrilling på Theisendammen med museumsfolka på fredag. Og i tillegg så har jeg i hvert fall fire middagsavtaler som ikke har fått dato ennå 🙂

Det er deilig å være der klesskapet mitt er, nå som det er varmt og (ganske) tørt i været. Jeg går med fine sko hver dag og nyter å ha bare bein. Igår plukket jeg med meg litt syriner på vei hjem (blomsterplukkeren min har forlatt Trondheim for sommeren).

Syriner er både pene og lukter godt. Og siden jeg skal være alene i flere måneder nå, så har jeg bestemt meg for at jeg får ha det litt romantisk og koselig alene.

Blomster og stearinlys gjorde susen (for kosen).

Nå er det to dager til jeg har siste og eksamen og da er det “bare” labarbeid til masteren igjen før det er sommerferie. Så får vi se hvor mange penger jeg rekker å tjene før jeg skal til Frankrike 🙂

Parade, top – down

I spent 17. May, our constitution day at the office, but as the office is in the city centre, the parade came to me, without asking me for permission. So this is the parade seen through my phone and the window of my office. As you can see, marching bands are a big part of it 😉

They look different from the 2nd floor.



Children with flags are also important. Maybe even more than marching bands.

At the end of the day, I was lured away from my office and ended up in my traditional costume (bunad) after all.


Two weeks ago I did a little trip of Eastern Norway (Østlandet, as we say). Not only did I have myself a little BBQ on my parent’s terrace but I also visited Sara in Horten. And as Sara is one of my sweetest friends, she had a party in my honor. Nobody has ever made a party just for me before 🙂 Sara loves dressing up, dresses and shoes just as much as I do, so it was bound to be a good night.

All the pictures are from her Flickr site.

Saturday after I arrived we did some mandatory tanning

We had company


We are both the kinds of girls that talk a lot, smile a lot and laugh a lot.


Sara did our nails. I’m wondering if I should actually buy some nail polish. I always feel so accomplished when wearing it.


I had a new dress (bought in Germany btw) and even though it was maybe a bit over dressed we decided that I had to wear it anyway (it was new!). I love it. It is quite daring, but wonderful. And it has an open back, which I absolutely adore.


Sara wore a wonderful flowered minidress and nude heels. I want a pair of those 🙂

I met a ton of wonderful people. They all study at Høyskolen i Vestfold, mostly in Horten.


I had bought a bottle of bubbly for the occation



The party started off in Sara’s kitchen (as any decent student party)


Hers are the yellow, mine are the pink (surprise!)


All the pretty people


BTW Sara has an Ida, just like I have a Tone, this is Ida (she is wonderful as well)


It was a good party. It ended a bit messy, but I hope that Sara in time will forgive me. I love you, Sara! This autumn she will come visit me in Trondheim during UKA (the four week long student festival) in October. I can’t wait!


Yesterday ended up as 100% wonderful. I finally had my first exam for this semester and I did really well. Then I prepared studying for my next exam, molecular biology. At 14 I left the office and the rest of the day consisted of picnic blanket, two bottles of champagne (both real and cava), 66 strawberries, chicken and pasta salad, “Tro, håp og kjærlighet” at Trøndelag theater and music.

This next week I will be studying every day (as everybody else), but I have dinners, game nights and fun every night, so I think it will end up being a good week. And after that, I will be standing in the lab every day until I’m finished with all the lab work for my master thesis. Oh joy.


So Monday I was speaking to my brother on Skype and he said that he was driving his car someplace later that day. Somebody had called the 2CV club and wondered if anyone would like to hire out their car for an evening. When this happens (it actually happens a couple of times a year) they usually pass them on to my father. This is both because we live close to Oslo, we have three 2CVs (!) and because my father has a flexible shedule so he usually has time to do things like these. Once he was in Dagbladet (one of the largest nation wide news papers in Norway) being interviewd because they wanted someone with a French car 😉 So this time they wanted a car and my father send them pictures of the ones we have, and they wanted my brother’s car. He said he got 500 NOK for it and was happy. To me he only said it was a PR-gig of some sort, he didn’t say it was this party (you can see a snippet of the car here as well).

So it was Petter Stordalen who wanted my brother’s car at his party so people could be photographed in front of it 😛 I died a little when I saw it. But then I remembered that someone wanted to borrow my car for a short movie just before Easter, but then I hadn’t taken her out yet.

So, this is his car. Its name is Gassen (male goose in Norwegian).

My mother bought herself a 2CV this spring, so now we own 4 😛 My father has an orange and white one (Spot), I have a red and white one (Dolly), Bror has a white one with stripes as you can see (Gassen) and my mother has bough one that is all yellow. I don’t think it has a name yet.

This summer we are all going to a big 2CV festival-thing in Salbris, France, just South of Paris. I think at least three of our cars are driving down.I think it will take me 6 days from Trondheim… But more of that later 🙂


(17. May)

Jeg satt for det meste på lesesalen igår, fordi jeg egentlig ikke hadde tid til å ikke lese. Utpå ettermiddagen ble jeg kidnappet, så det ble ikke kjempemasse lesing, men litt. Her er noen gode sitater fra igår:

“Ønsker alle en tørr dag. Måtte dine pølser aldri være ihjelkokt og isen holde seg på pinnen.”

“ah.. endelig er den her, dagen hvor togene går presis! :D”

“For Norge, Kjæmpers Fedreland, Vi denne Skaal vil tømme.”

“Hurra for den eneste dagen der korpsmusikk virkelig klinger bra:)”

“17. mai i Ski

kl 6-12; 7 grader, 1,2-3,6 mm nedbør; svak vind, 3 m/s fra sør-sørvest

kl 12-18; 12 grader; 1,4-4,8 mm nedbør; lett bris, 5 m/s fra nordvest

gleder meg til å spise is jeg.”

“Natt til 17.mai og fullmåne! It’s going to be a busy night!”

“Ser utover folkehav i rødt, hvitt blått, brunt, blekt, bunad, sari, hijab, miniskjørt og musikkorps og blir helt sikker på at dette integreringsprosjektet går.”



Og apropos, jeg vet ikke om jeg noen gang har vært så lykkelig som jeg er nå.

BBQ + champagne = <3

I had a BBQ party on monday for all my friends in Oslo. At least those who had time to party on a monday in the middle of the exam period 😉 It was lovely. I miss them. The pictures are from Ellen (she made the cake as well. She is wonderful). She takes beautiful pictures.

So this is the terrace of my parents house in Bærum. There is a view, but right now there are too many trees. But the terrace is still my favorite place in the whole house.

Cake! It tasted delicious.

This is Tone and I. I love her. Once she lived in Trondheim, but then she deserted me 🙁 She now lives with Ola. But knows Arabic. Important fact.

This is Ola. He owns a fez. And has a real job. And he makes very good food. And likes port. There are many good things about Ola.

Sara was my main reason to come to Oslo. I visited her in Horten where she studies. The friday before she had just gotten a permanent position in a bank. Growing up! Congrats! I love your dress btw 😉 And your smile.

We had champagne! (I am now broke…) My favorite drink in the whole world.

Happy happy Ingeborg

Emil and I have known each other since we were 10 years or something and sang solos together at a school concert. He is one of my oldest friends. And plays the guitar. Good quality 😉

Nils must have said something funny. I love both his and her expression 🙂

I loved the evening. Afterwards we went inside and had port and talked. I should definitely do this more often. But now I have three exams and three exercises and only three weeks. I am startnig to be a *little* stressed.